Mondrian x Cabbage Systems
Materials for Oct 12th

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Popularity by timezone

We scraped data from the top 20 games listed at:
This data covers 24 hours from 12pm-12pm JST from the 11th-12th October:


28 games appear in the top 20 over the 24 hour period. 12 of them are present for the entire 24 hours (43%). This indicates that there aren’t major regional variations - most games that make it into the top 20 do it by being popular globally, rather than in a specific region.
However a notable exception is 高性能 1v1 (2744-5526-2967), which is in the top 20 during JST peak hours, but totally absent otherwise.
It’s likely there is more region variance visible further down the charts. It may be worth doing a more sophisticated analysis of the top 20 games in individual categories to see their fluctuations over time.


Hourly Rankings

Island Codes 2
Creators 2
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