Bodyswaps Go Manual
General Notes

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Users and Sign in

With this version of Bodyswaps we have introduced user accounts. Users interact with Bodyswaps either in the app, in the Bodyswaps Go website, or both!

Types of users

We support a number of different user types:


These are people responsible for managing the Bodyswaps account and have special privileges for enrolling new learners and creating classes. Typically this is a teacher or trainer.

Enrolled learners

These are learners (students/trainees). Learners are added to Bodyswaps using a name and email address. There are two levels of registration status for enrolled learners:
Pre-registered - the learner has been added to the system, but they’ve not created a password yet. They can still access specific modules via the ‘class’ function. But they can’t ‘self-serve’ i.e. browse the Bodyswaps catalogue until they are registered with a password.
Registered - the learner has created a password and can log-in to Bodyswaps Go. They can generate their own short codes to sign-in to the app and browse any content authorised for them.

Guest learners

If a learner hasn’t been pre-enrolled, they can still access Bodyswaps by signing in as a guest from the application sign-in screen.
When this happens a guest user is automatically created on the system. Since these guest users are counted against the organisations users quota we’ve provided an option to disable this for your organisation if desired.


An anonymous login code can be generated that allows the app to be used without requiring users to be enrolled or use guest accounts. This is only available on accounts that are billed per device or per session basis.

Short codes

Using a virtual keyboard to enter email addresses and passwords in VR can be frustrating. To make signing in easier we use instead a six digit number (called a short code) that you enter into the app here:
The process is:
You sign in to Bodyswaps Go using an email and password combination
You click a button to generate a short code
You enter the short code into the app

For security reasons the short codes must be used within a specified time period, but you can generate as many as you like.
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