[Beck Chan] Technical Writing Portfolio

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Technical Writing Portfolio

Beck Chan
At before we had any formal Technical Writers, I created and maintained technical process, product and installation documentation for the Success team.
Using tools such as and and a bit of cobbled together code, I proactively updated the with a focus on accuracy, client accessibility, increased internal ease of upkeep, and future extensibility.
The examples contained in this portfolio are all or were at some point publically accessible.


Each sub-page of this portfolio covers a sample topic.
Each sample topic includes its own introduction, summarizing my experience with the subject.
Each sample also has my level of contribution clearly indicated:
I independently wrote these articles, or they were projects under my ownership.
I was involved in the bulk of writing or creation and update (scoping, technical accuracy, review, etc.) of these articles, but they were not my independent projects.
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While I aim to keep this portfolio up to date, there is a small chance that live documentation URLs may change in between edits. To accomodate for this landmine, I’ve also linked to screenshots of the version of the article meant to serve as an example in the Article Album column.
Ready to go? Head to the table below, or use the links in the sidebar to your left!
Sample Topic
A story about linking to SaaSquatch, a referral and loyalty platform.
A story about hooking up and to SaaSquatch to pay out rewards.
A story about , SaaSquatch’s JavaScript SDK.
Installation and user guides examples.
Original marketing content.
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