Participatory Commons Pattern

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Participatory Commons use social code as the primary agreement field of collaboration with legal entities serving those covenants only as needed as a secondary but supporting architectures and as a way to engage with the existing economy. The Participatory Commons model seeks to bring the art and science of social cohesion making - the practice of creating coherent social containers of common sense-making, belonging and trust - into the world of off-line and on-line commoning.

Essential elements of a Participatory Commons

Core Social DNA & Stewardship
Social and operational agreements, covenants and protocols that enable the creation of a trust field and overall container; that facilitate frameworks for decision-making and co-generation and sharing of value generated, and facilitates information and value flows of all types. The core DNA also cultivates and facilitates long term, iterative cultural and process learning and embodies this in its DNA.
Shared Sense-Making, Decision-Making & Accountability
Foundational to a Participatory Commons is a system of shared sense-making, decision-making and accountability. Collaborative sense-making creates the context and meaning within which the purpose of the commons is pursued. Collaborative decision-making processes include consensus and consent based systems like sociocracy, holocracy and dynamic governance. Accountability systems integrate with the shared value generation and distribution system discussed below.
Shared Value Generation and Distribution
Essential to a Participatory Commons there must be a way to co-invest, co-generate, share and distribute multiple dimensions and types of wealth - both monetary and non-monetary. The Metacurrency Project has pioneered a revolutionary pathway to understand and enable this essential functionality of a Participatory Commons. We can achieve the needed level of wealth co-generation and sharing through this revolutionary understanding of the dimensions and levels of wealth - along with the application of interwoven sets of both monetary and non-monetary current-sees.
Frameworks, Platforms & Tools
Facilitating the flow of value, information, participation and interoperability with others. These arise out of the core DNA agreements and protocols and extend throughout the organization acting as proceptors and receptors to engage the world. These include the crucial frameworks and processes for decision-making and wealth co-creation and sharing.
Multiple Spheres, Types, and Levels of Engagement
Creates multiple options for individuals and other organizations to discover & engage in the right type, sphere and level of engagement and relationship to the commons. Membership levels or types can trigger varying agreements in relation to responsibilities; decision-making ability; equity; and shared prosperity and can be embodied in smart contracts. This enables a high level of committed cohesion at the core while enabling low maintenance exploratory engagement at the edges.
Selectively Permeable Engagement Membranes
Provides clear onboarding gateways and vetting processes, rites of passage and flexible mobility within the spheres, types and levels of engagement.
Projects & Initiatives
The purpose of the Participatory Commons embodied in action in the world.
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