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Picky - The CRM Tailored To You


Picky CRM is a CRM that allows users to pick and choose the features they need, rather than being forced to use a one-size-fits-all solution. This makes it ideal for small businesses and startups that don't need all the bells and whistles of a traditional CRM, but still want a way to track their leads, customers, and sales.
Here are some of the features that Picky CRM offers:
Lead management: Track leads from the moment they first contact you, all the way through to the sale.
Customer relationship management: Keep track of all your customer interactions, including sales, support tickets, and marketing campaigns.
Sales pipeline management: Visualize your sales pipeline and track your progress towards your goals.
Reporting and analytics: Get insights into your sales data so you can make better decisions.
Customization: Picky CRM is highly customizable, so you can tailor it to the specific needs of your business.
One of the best things about Picky CRM is that it's easy to use. There's no need to spend hours learning how to use a complicated system. With Picky CRM, you can get up and running in minutes.
Here are some additional details about how Picky CRM eliminates the daunting task of having to learn how to use a complicated CRM:
Picky CRM is a web-based application, so you can access it from anywhere. This means you don't have to install any software or worry about compatibility issues.
Picky CRM has a user-friendly interface. The menus and buttons are clearly labeled, and the help documentation is extensive.
Picky CRM offers simple, ready to use templates. You can pick from a variety of presets so you can get started even quicker. Users can also create and share templates.
Overall, Picky CRM is a great choice for businesses that are looking for a user-friendly, affordable, and customizable CRM solution.


For small business owners who need a simple CRM solution, Picky is a CRM like Hubspot or Salesforce that is tailored to your business needs. Unlike other CRMs, Picky can be as simple or complex as you need it to be.


Unique to Picky:

Buildable CRM
Preset Templates
Custom Templates
Shareable Templates

Standard CRM Features:

Contact Management
Lead Management
Opportunity Management
Sales Automation
Pipeline Management
Email Integration
Calendar and Task Management
Reporting and Analytics
Customer Service and Support
Workflow Automation
Collaboration and Team Management
Integration Capabilities
Mobile Access
Data Security and Privacy

Research & Customer Development

User Problems & Needs

User Problems:

Lack of personalization
User Adoption


Full customizable/buildable
Simple, easy-to-use templates
Affordable - free plan & paid subscription ($30 per month)
Documentation & Quick Start Guide

Quantitative Research - Survey Questions

How do you feel about current CRM solutions?
How important is a CRM to your business?
How comfortable do you feel using current CRM solutions?
How important is robust CRM software with a wide range of features to you?
How important is affordability in CRM software to you?
How important is user adoption for your business?
How likely are you to use current CRM solutions?
Would you be willing to conduct an interview for a new CRM solution?
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