What is your annual total individual income (before taxes)?
What is your annual total household income before taxes?
What is your total (biweekly / monthly) individual income before taxes?
What is your total (biweekly / monthly) household income before taxes?
To which sexual orientation do you most identify?
What is your current employment status?
What is your spouse/partner's current employment status?
Which of the following best describes which industry you work in?
What best describes the type of organization you work for?
What best describes your funding stage?
Which of the following best matches your job title?
Which of the following best matches your department / function?
How many years in total have you worked?
Which of the following describes where you currently work?
What is the total number of employees working for company? If you don't know, make your best guess.
What is the total number of people working on your team? If you don't know, make your best guess.
What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?
What is your marital status?
Do you currently have children?
How many children do you have?
How old are your children? Select all that apply.
What is your race / ethnicity?
(What is your / where do you have) residential status?
What is your nationality / resident status OR Are you a citizen of (country)?
Do you have any financial dependents?
Financial Responsibilities
Who are you financially responsible for? Select all that apply.
Financial Responsibilities
Which of the following describes your role in decisions about (topic) in your household?
Financial Responsibilities
Which of the following best describes your primary residence?
What best describes your current living situation?
Which best describes ownership of the property you live?
Do you currently have a mortgage?
Which types of vehicles do you own?
Which of the following languages are you literate in?
What of the following languages are you fluent in speaking?
What do you consider (language)?
What is your current degree of mastery for understanding (language)?
What is your current degree of mastery for speaking (language)?
What is your current degree of mastery for reading (language)?
What is your current degree of mastery for writing (language)?
Select which people you use (language) with.
Select which situation you use (language) in.
Select which place you use (language) in.
How many people live in your household?
Who lives in your household?
What pronouns do you prefer?