Quarterly Planning that Doesn't Suck

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Getting Started

Instructions for those new to this doc.
Below are the instructions we shared with the Brex team. Feel free to customize this page to suit your company and your unique planning needs.

The Basics

Start by reading the following sections:
. This section dives deep into what we’re building and outlines how we’re going to get there over the next three years.
. Familiarize yourself with the OKR planning process timeline.
. These are the company-level OKRs which highlight what we will accomplish by the end of the quarter. Some of these OKRs will cascade down to your team’s OKRs. If you share a company-level KR, you will be expected to help shape the the company level outcome and own delivering against it by the end of the quarter.


OK so now you’ve gone through and become an expert on the our vision and goals, we can start the actual planning process.
Navigate to your team’s section under . In your section, you will see four headings:
OKRs: These are your team’s OKRs.
Objective: Select the objective from the list. These are pre-filled from the Company OKRs’ Objectives. Do not create your own Objectives.
Team: Select your team.
Key Result: One key result per row. If you have multiple key results for the the Objective, just add another row, select the same Objective and add the key result.
Dependencies: These are the projects you expect to work on in the quarter to accomplish your OKRs. Dependencies are things that block progress towards your OKRs. Do not use this section as a feature wish list.
Dependency - Team: Select the teams that need to support / work on the given project (you can select multiple teams).
Dependency - Need: Describe what you need the teams to do for you.
Remember, just because you list a dependency does not mean it will get prioritized by that team.
Things others need from you: This will automatically be filled with asks that other teams have made for your teams.
Dependency - Response: Put your response as to whether you have or have not prioritized this task in your list.

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