Users should be able to navigate to LoA selection screen
In general, user can press on the LoA button on the right menu
Pressing on the LoA button should navigate to LoA selection screen 1.2A
LoA selection screen should show the signal list and necessary information to help users select a signal
Users should see the signals list for LoA selection sorted by distance from the current position, the set proximity distance for signals, directional filters for the signal list, and a close icon
Selection screen should show Signal List sorted by distance from the current location of the user Selection screen should show the set proximity distance for signals Selection screen should show directional filters for the signal list Selection screen should show close icon 1.2B
LoA selection screen displays an error message when data from the .mmpk’s Signal layer fails to load
If the App is unable to read the data of the Signal layer, an error message is shown when the User presses the LoA button on the right-hand navigation bar.
LoA Selection screen shows an error message 1.3
LoA selection screen should still show the distance of the signals from the device’s current location and sort based on nearest to farthest even in cases of intermittent GPS data
Users should still see the signal list with the signal’s distance from the device’s current location and sorted based nearest to farthest even in cases of intermittent GPS data
Selection screen should show Signal List sorted by distance from the derived position of the user 1.4
LoA selection screen shows up to 8 Signals to choose from at a time.
Users can see 8 Signals before they need to scroll to see more.
Signal list should display 8 signals at a time 1.5
In the LoA selection screen, users should be able to navigate back to the Map screen
Users can close the LoA selection screen by pressing on close icon
Pressing on the close icon should navigate to map screen 1.6
Signals from list on the LoA screen shows how far it is based on device’s current location and can be filtered by bearing/direction.
Validate if the signals from the list shows the distance from from the device’s current location and can be filtered by “All”, “North” or “South” bearing.
Signals should show its distance from the device’s current location Pressing “North” shows only Signals in the North Line Direction, sorted nearest to farthest Pressing “South” shows only Signals in the South Line Direction, sorted nearest to farthest Pressing “All” shows all Signals regardless of their line direction, sorted nearest to farthest 1.7
The Signals displayed by both “North” and “South” filters dynamically change based on device’s current location.
Verify if the signals shown whenever the list is filtered by direction, have their distance changing with reference to the current GPS coordinates of the device or vehicle.
Signals displayed when the North filter is on, change their distance and maintain the nearest to farthest sorting when the vehicle is moving northwards. Signals displayed when the South filter is on, change their distance and maintain the nearest to farthest sorting when the vehicle is moving southwards. 1.8
Proximity Alarm for the Signal layer is displayed on the LoA screen.
Ensure that the Proximity Alarm distance for Signals is shown on the upper right corner of the LoA screen, below the Close “X” button. Distance can be configured in the Settings screen.
Signals’ Proximity Alarm radius is shown near the Close “X” button of the LoA screen. Proximity Alarm distance is uninteractable in the LoA screen. (User needs to access the Settings screen to change values). 1.9
Select Signal for Journey Planning in LoA selection screen
Verify that users can select a signal as the LoA from the LoA signal list
The application should proceed to LoA confirmation screen 1.10
LoA confirmation screen should show necessary information about the destination
Users should see more information about the selected signal as LoA
Confirmation Screen should show Signal Name, Direction, distance to signal, and proximity alarm distance Preview of the route journey should be visible in the map Preview of the route journey should show a proximity radius on the LoA signal point as well as other signals along the journey to LoA Cancel, back, and GO buttons should also be visible 1.11
Route preview in LoA confirmation screen should still show a starting point, even on intermittent GPS data
Users should still see preview of route journey on the map in the LoA selection screen
Derived position of the user in the map should be used in cases of intermittent GPS data Preview of the route journey should still be visible in the map 1.12
Pressing on back button in the LoA confirmation screen should navigate the application back to LoA selection screen
Users should be able to navigate back to LoA selection screen using back button
Pressing on the back button should navigate to LoA selection screen 1.13
Pressing on cancel button in the LoA confirmation screen should close the LoA selection process
Users should be able to cancel LoA selection and return to the Map Screen using cancel button
Pressing on the cancel button should lead back to the Map/Main Screen 1.14
Pressing the GO button in the LoA confirmation screen will confirm the selected signal as the LoA for Journey Planning
Users should be able to press on the GO button to confirm the selection of signal for LoA
Pressing GO button will navigate back to the map view The selected signal is set as the LoA destination Distance to LoA should update with the distance to the selected signal in the map screen Route to the selected LoA should be highlighted in the map 1.17
On a journey, route navigation should only show signals between start point and the selected LoA
Verify that the user can navigate between signals within a predefined Limit of Authority (LoA).
Navigation remains within the LoA. Proximity alarms trigger only for the final destination signal. 1.18
A prompt to “End Journey” is displayed when user is inside the destination Signal proximity radius
Verify if Map screen changes to End Journey Screen when inside LoA Destination Signal proximity radius
End Journey screen is shown when inside LoA Destination Signal proximity radius A button to End Journey is displayed A Change LoA button is shown that navigates to LoA Selection screen Details about the LoA Destination should also be shown
Pressing the LoA Destination (at the center of the information tab) or the LoA button mid-trip displayes a prompt to “End Journey”
Verify if pressing on LoA Destination or LoA in the right menu changes the screen to End Journey Screen
A button to End Journey is displayed A back button that navigates back to Map screen when pressed A Change LoA button is shown that navigates to LoA Selection screen Details about the LoA Destination should also be shown
Distance left to Destination LoA 1.20
Pressing on End Journey button should navigate back to Map Screen with Initial state
Verify if End Journey button is pressed, the application goes to Map Screen with no LoA destination set
Application goes back to Map Screen No LoA Destination is set