- In the event that an ALX Alarm and a LoA Alarm are triggered simultaneously in quick succession, which alarm would take precedence? ALX or LoA? Please confirm.
What should happen in the following scenario?
The Vehicle’s current journey is about to pass an ALX and the destination LoA shortly after.
ALX Alarm is triggered, its sound is still playing and remains undismissed.
Vehicle is already past ALX.
The ALX Alarm is still playing when the Vehicle enters the LoA proximity.
Do we show the visual LoA Alarm (Distance to LoA notice)?
The ALX Alarm is dismissed.
Do we immediately play the LoA Alarm?
How do we prefer the “switching” to be handled?
Option A: Show the Distance to LoA notice, and sound the LoA alarm, overlapping with the ALX Alarm until the latter is dismissed.
Option B: Show only the Distance to LoA notice , and play the LoA Alarmonly when the ALX Alarm is dismissed.
Option C (Recommended) : Dismiss the ALX Alarm immediately, then play the LoA Alarm and show the Distance to LoA notice
Option D: Wait for the ALX Alarm to be dismissed before sounding the LoA Alarm and showing the Distance to LoA notice
While we recognize the low probability of these events occurring at the same time, we still have to handle this flow in the app for due diligence.