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Underdog November Update

What happened with Underdog in November?

Hey Everyone - Can you believe its already December? Let’s dive into another fun month while building Underdog Protocol 👇
TLDR: We have another $10,000 soft committed from a second customer to use our Reputation System and API which brings us to $20,000 ARR. Dive into our docs

What is Underdog Protocol?

Underdog Protocol is an API toolkit that allows anybody to build Web3 experiences easily.
Integrate apps like Twitter, Discord, and Airtable to bring reputation on-chain and build social capital.


More Customers
Do you know any web2 companies who want to create Web3 Experiences? Do you know any web3 communities or protocols that want to integrate reputation?
Sales Playbook Help
As we start to think about fundraising and ramping up our sales, we need to create a scalable playbook. Do you know any SaaS wizards that can help?

👍 Highlights

Partnerships & Biz Dev👬
We’ve now secured our second paying customer ($10,000/yr) who is a web2.5 community looking to integrate our Reputation System and use our API.
We’re seeing an increase in SQLs ( 6 Total in Pipeline) from DAOs + Platforms to develop unique use cases like Reputation Based Governance & Community Reputation Scores with BluntDAO, EpicsDAO, UniqueVCs, Heavy Duty Builders, and more.
We’re at $20,000 ARR (charging one-time fees for access) after two months of testing pricing & WIP with customers.
Product 📱
Launched Zapier Webhooks for NFTs (creating, issuing, and updating)
Dynamic Membership NFTs w/ Points Associated
Open Sourced the Reputation System
KPIs 👏
Partners - 15
SQL- 6 (avg. $10,000 deal size)
ARR - 20,000

👎 Low lights / Challenges

Packaging and Pricing 🌀
We’re still unsure the best ways to package our integrations + workflows while pricing them.? We’re following other API companies logic here. Is there any material or people you know who are pricing wizards?
Product Onboarding Time 🐶:
We’re finding that our onboarding time for customers is taking longer than necessary , around 2 weeks at a time. We’re trying to minimize this to 2 hours for self-service and 5 days for enterprises. Do you know any individuals who focus on Onboarding?

🎯 December Priorities

Biz Dev 📊
Close third beta partner for a total of $30,000 ARR ($10,000 deal)
Close 5 more Partners (logos) that are well-known in the Solana Ecosystem
Launch Developer Tier (and our public facing pricing page)
Product 📱
Launch Self-Service for our API, Discord, Twitter, and Airtable Integrations
Fully on-board +
Re-vamp our GTM strategy to resemble what we need to do to grow our API
Guides + Courses on ‘Getting Started with Underdog’ to speed up Self-Service

Pictures from Lisbon & Breakpoint

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