IT Admin guide to Coda
Help Center repository for IT Admins

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Sharing and access

Sharing Docs is a core part of the Coda experience and we want to make sure you are aware of the steps we’ve taken to keep your information secure.
Coda’s Enterprise plan includes additional sharing and access features. Move the slider to the right to view Help Center articles which only apply to the Enterprise plan.
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API overview
For Organization Admins, the Coda Admin API allows programmatic access to administrative capabilities within Coda including user management and auditing activities via event logs.
Managing Pack approvals for Enterprise admins
Follow the steps in this article if you are an Organization Admin for your team’s Coda Enterprise for enabling pack approvals & management.
Identity management
Overview of security features
Get familiar with our Security features and how they can benefit your Org. Enterprise Admins have access to our top of the line security features like SCIM, SSO, Packs Approvals, and more.
Audit & restrictions
Sharing your doc
Sharing Docs is a core part of Coda. This is a high-level overview of the Sharing options offered for each tier. Enterprise Admins can reference this article when setting up permissions in their workspace(s).
Enterprise docs shared publicly
Organization admins can see which docs in their workspaces have been shared with the public. See how to share a doc with "anyone with the link" in the Sharing Your Doc article.
External Enterprise sharing
Admins for teams on Coda’s Enterprise plan can choose how docs and Packs will be shared outside their organization. There are three sharing policies available: unrestricted, invite-only external access, and no external access.

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