icon picker
Product Components and Features

Here i will mention the various product components along with specifications and features

Product Component Table
Product Component
Product Specification
Product Discovery
This will be the first point of interaction between seller and the product. This can be anything from a link on a social site , to a redirection/app invoke via email or a sell button of digital goods on the existing marketplace
1) Marketplace shall integrate SEO for better discovery 2) Targeted adds on social sites 3) Up-selling 4) If there is an existing segment of offerings say physical goods then marketing campaigns / emailers etc will help 5) Prominent CTA's on the existing paltform
Seller On-Boarding
This can be either DIY / via operational / KAM assisted model. The ecommerce platform shall verify the business operated by the seller is legit and is falling the LOB ( Line of business for the marketplace ). Marketplace maintains the unique id say MID ( Merchant identifier ) & MBID ( Merchant Business Identifier ) to uniquely identify the merchants /sellers on-boarded on the platform
Post lead generation via CRM etc there shall be a on-boarding engine to manage the entire on-boarding journey of the seller
Seller Registration
Sellers can register by providing relevant business details like GST , PAN and other mandatory details
1) Capture documents /images 2) Validated/verifies data with the central repositories
Seller Sign-In / SSO Integration
Marketplace can provide the SSO login integration of Facebook / Gmail / Twitter
1) Sign in via username / email /mob 2) SSO integration with google /facebook etc
Catalogue Management
This product module will be maintaining the listing of products / products categories etc
1) List the products : singe and bulk 2) Category Management 3) Image Uploader 4) Product Descriptions 5) Product create request 6) Product Edit request
Inventory Management
This component will manage the inventory etc. Although for digital goods same product can be re-used and can be sold to multiple buyers , but to keep the product generic to enable scalability for selling physical goods , i am keeping this component
To manage the SKU's etc so that product availability is there for maximum timeframe
Pricing component
To maintain price / GST etc
Manages the price for the products. Price is an important component for driving the sale of the product , have mentioned the user drawing and key word association in the next section Tired pricing for the seller : silver / gold /platinum
Discount / Coupon code component
There can be multiple discounts module : 1) Marketplace initiated 2) Seller Initiated There will be close loop integration of this component with the pricing component
1) Seller integrated discounts 2) Inventory basis discounts 3) Corporate discounts 4) Premium users discounts
Payment Integration
To enhance the seller experience marketplace shall do the seller payout in the preferred payment way. Buyers payment module can be integrated with the payout module of the sellers
Provision for buyer to pay via all methods as this directly impacts the selling point for the seller. Provision for refunds , payouts to seller , commission model etc
Reviews Component
This component will manage the reviews for the sellers and there will be review management for buyers as well. This will enable sellers to identify fraudulent buyers etc
1) Sorting of reviews 2) Filter option 3) insights for high & low reviews
Chat Support
This will enable communication between seller / buyer in case buyer wants to know more about the product feature
chat between seller & buyer
Customer Support /Feedback
This is for overall marketplace and will be segregated between seller and buyer etc
1) send image on the chat 2) send payment link on the chat
There are no rows in this table

User map for price comparison and user flow

As I decided on the ideas of filtering and broadcasting message, I depicted a user flow that cover the complete comparing, negotiating and accepting selling experience.

A seller posts a product to sell

→ get messages and offers from multiple buyers

→ filters offers based on price, location, delivery choices and reviews

→ negotiate with potential buyers

→ accept offer and deliver the product

The most chaos happens in the middle of the user journey– filtering offers, deciding which offers to chat to, and negotiating among multiple potential buyers. And this is what my following design tries to solve.

Product Components 1.jpg
Initial sketches for the below mentioned user flow
Product Components 2.jpg
Product Components 3.jpg

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