Use the time once your event is over for celebration and reflection! You’re awesome! Don’t worry, there isn’t too much that goes into wrapping up an event:
1. Automated emails with the post event survey
An automated email goes out from the dashboard to your attendee after your event is over. Make sure you tell your attendees they will be receiving this email, as it contains the survey!
2. Recordings
It’s a great practice to record ever meeting, whether virtual, in-person, or hybrid. Then, if you used Zoom or another such service, you can post the Zoom URL into an article in your Group Hub. See as an example, and feel free to copy and customize for your own group.
If you use Bevy Virtual rather than an external URL such as Zoom, you can do the same thing as outlined above, except link the event wrap-up pages from Bevy rather than links to recordings. 3. Take and share photos
Try to take a picture at every event - whether in person or virtual!
After your event, post your event pictures, videos, audio clips, etc. to your Group Hub and the #splunk-usergroups Slack channel.
Within the dashboard, navigate to Events → Completed → select the event → click Wrap Up along the top bar. Here you can upload photos, videos, and share any slides used at the event!
Upload your favorite photos to the chapter page! Navigate to Settings → Photos and upload your pictures.
5. Send and fill out YOUR post-event surveys
Splunk User Group Leaders all receive a survey after each event. This is what our team uses to check in with you after each event. Please fill it in!
6. Plan your next event!
It is good practice to already have the next event planned and published, so you can promote it at the end of each event.
We hope leaders will host 4-8 events per year. Splunk will assume unless notified by the leader, that the leader will continue to plan regular events.
If you are unable to host an event, please notify us at .