Result is successfully uploaded on Admin Pen-Pencil & Results Database
Result is not uploaded on Admin Pen-Pencil
[Errors Column is Blank]: Re-Upload the original files or exported check sheet status file of those entries whose success column and error column is blank ( Any one of the files ) by clicking on upload excel file area in the CBT Response Upload Section.
Invalid User
Student has not logged in the app by provided class recorded mobile number
Ask the students to login the PW App to view future results.
Invalid Phone Number
Student has not properly logged in the PW App by provided class recorded mobile number
If total count of invalid user and phone number cases is below 2-3% of total result entries to be uploaded then they can be ignored for that time.
Invalid Option Question:{Question Number}
Students might had bubbled double responses or software would have picked arbitrary value due to incorrect bubbling by the student.
Re-Filter the obtained responses of those error reporting result entried from your copy of Filter Process Sheet.
Contains Test Student Mapping ID & User Score as in Results Table on the Database
Test Student Mapping ID is basically student id for that test’s results
User Score is marks obtained by Student in that test for which result is upload
For cases not mentioned above
Please connect to offli