Video Story Harvest - August 30th, 2022
One of the many reasons why I hold the Project Incubator in Earth Regenerators and its weekly advisory circle so close in my heart is because it is the most warm and welcoming space of love and care. While I experience this loving space almost every week, it is very different, kind of heightening when all the gifts are meant for me and my journey. I am writing this harvest post with gratitude radiating in and around me. 💗
The circle engaged in a beautiful waggle dance for me and a vision for a syntropic learning journey I want to embark on with the community. ✨
Witness and join the waggle dance in this 1 hour 25 min .
Like with many things in life lately, I simply showed up without preparing anything like a presentation or so. It helps me to consciously learn how to share from my heart and be fully present and open to what wants to emerge.
Please watch this 7 min to dive into my tiny yet colorful syntropic world. 🌈

What is Syntropy?

The living wisdom of Syntropy is relatively young. Less than 100 years ago, Buckminster Fuller and others coined the term. This is the I could find to learn more about its origins.
Adventuring Syntropy with Kath - What is Syntropy.png
Christine McDougall, the Steward Leader of who I am fortunate enough to learn with since late May says ‘Syntropy is the opposite of entropy, and simply put it is the practice to leave everything better!’. While it sounds simple ‘to leave everything better’, I have learned it needs a whole lot of hospicing modernity inside me to become a syntropic being and to bring a syntropic enterprise into existence.
Back to the Advisory Circle:
generously opened the door to let the living wisdom shared by Richard Rudd come in and play with us. Please watch this less than 1 min . 🌠
The essence of the law of syntropy is contained in the phrase give and you shall receive. In a syntropic world, everything is entangled with everything else and everything is responsible for everything else. In human terms, the collective embodiment of syntropy would mean the end of selfishness. When you give for the sake of the whole, you activate the currents of grace and move into synchronicity with the whole. As human genius awakens, we will organize our living systems to mirror nature and the law of syntropy. ~ Richard Rudd
How to use the laws of nature for human relationality is what I have learned in theory during the 8 weeks of Syntropic Masterclass, and the following month in practice during the Synergistic Accounting workshop with Christine and other wonderful deeply caring humans in Syntropic World. You can find my notes from the class
. 🤓
Syntropy found me almost a year ago, shortly before joined for a Teach-in Sandbox on Syntropic Reasoning. Here is a from the session back in November. Ever since I followed several invitations to explore Syntropy more deeply. With the little knowledge I gained so far, I know in my heart that the future I am longing for is syntropic. 💞

Adventures await!

I want to go on an adventure with all you other curious humans to learn through practices how to become more syntropic, and how to build environments where our hearts, heads, and hands can create synergistically.
Please keep your ears and eyes open for a few invitations from me to come on adventures with me in the in ER. 🧭
The first Invitation I want to extend is for the Listening Circle: Syntropy. What is here? this Equinox.
🗓️ You can find the event details in your timezone
in Mighty Networks.
My wish for this Listening Circle is to tune into the biggest picture possible with the intention to learn what synergies might want to emerge for the adventures to come.
I am deeply grateful for all the love and generosity I have received. And a special thank you to my mudbuddy
for holding the space for me with so much care and fun. 🙏🏼
With gratitude and curiosity,
Kath 💚
August 24, 2022

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