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Alicia & Faro

Ayudar a las organizaciones a superar los conflictos que les impiden avanzar en su trabajo. [Supporting organizations to overcome conflicts that stop them from moving forward in their work]
Last edited 173 days ago by System Writer
“I listen to people and groups that are experiencing difficulties with colleagues in or out of meetings. In 1 to 1 sessions we address triggers, this helps make the experience a learning rather than an obstacle in relationships with others and with self.”

Read the following statement, then review the symptoms described below to see if we are a fit to work together.

Your organization works towards one of these ethics:
regeneration of the land (for example: permaculture, agro-ecology, supporting indigenous nations rights, knowledge or economy),
regeneration of relationships (for example: restorative justice, land-back, earth based building), or
regeneration of organizations (regenerative economy, horizontal governance, open sourcing digital tools, etc)


You find yourself frequently reacting strongly to other peoples comments while attempting to make a collective decision? / You become angry or upset or frustrated with certain comments or certain colleagues.
You or your colleagues’ reactions feel disproportionate to the current discussion or event / You blame yourself or your colleagues for something that is a collective issue.
You feel frustrated with meetings becoming endless seeming to return to the same discussions repeatedly.
You struggle to see what the problem with these relationships is (this could present as struggling to see the problem that is keeping the organization stuck).
If any of these symptoms ring true for you and you are involved in the work defined above, I may be able to help. Please review the requirements below and see if you would like to work with Faro.

Requirements to start work with Faro:

You are willing to set regular 90 minute 1 to 1 meetings with me and work for a reasonable period based on the current problem (could be 3 to 12 months)
You feel comfortable with values based on antiracism / decolonization / (ocassionally called equity, diversity and inclusion)
You are open to explore uncomfortable feelings within reason, where I will use a number of different techniques based on deep listening to help manage these

My values are based in:

Spirituality based in indigenous approaches towards life and nature.
A commitment to decolonizing myself and helping others in this difficult path.
A commitment towards antiracism based on the work of Ruth King, (author of Mindful of Race), and of others such as Rachel Elizabeth Cargle, Layla Saad and Resma Menaken.

What I bring to our meetings:

Respectful, reflective listening and guidance to begin a process of emotional healing
A wealth of listening experience of more than 20 years in health services and other organizations
Experience with listening to and healing our wounded child
Experience with Re-evaluation peer listening
Knowledge of Human Design, if you are familiar with this system, Reflector is my type
Experience with dream work
Evolutionary Therapeutic Astrology

The process:

Identify the triggers happening in organizational conflicts
Explore the inner conflict that is being triggered
Identify original/individual source through deep listening process
Explore and practice possible dynamics to become aware and manage the triggers and reaccions

These are some of my teachers:
- Chameli Ardagh (founder of Awakening Women, and the Women Wisdom School 2020-2022). In the school and through sadhanas and immersions I learnt how to go deep into myself to integrate the shadow self through the study of mythology of goddesses and other femenine archetypes
- Rachel Cargle - 2021-2022 The Great Unlearn - antiracism training
- Clare Dubois (founder of TreeSisters). The most transformative practice was the Inner Journey of Awakening, which aims to connect us to our own nature through connection with our body (2019-2020)
- Toko-pa Turner (author of Belonging: remembering ourselves home - 2018, Dream Walking and Courting the Dream courses in 2019). The exploration of the connection with the invisible, by establishing a relationship with our own dreams, and through understanding the process of separation, exile and exploration of the dark guests was an important part of reclaiming belonging to myself.
- Bethany Webster (Healing the Mother Wound course in 2019). Helped me lovingly mother my inner wounded child after exploring her pains and traumas.
- Pablo Flores Laymus and Escuela Astroterapeutica. Currently (2022 - 2023) studying Evolutionary Therapeutic Astrology and transformative dynamics and practices based in a journey through astrological houses month by month (Transforma tu vida).
Other teachers:
Heather Jo Flores (permaculture design certificate in 2021), Brene Brown (Living Brave Semester 2016), Tamara Laporte (Art and healing, Lifebook 2021-2022)

Notes: in working with people coming from dominating countries who are committed to honour regenerative practices and are not aware of the risk of colonizing relationships I have learned the following:
If you work in enterpreneurship that continue to aim to endless growth of profit without regards for impact on nature we will not be a fit.
If a prospective client of Faro wants to dedicate their life to regenerative practices such as permaculture or agroecology and this implies overruling indigenous cosmology, please note work needs to be done around colonization, and respect for the origins of knowledge and reciprocity.
To address domination it is important to understand that it is not up to you to decide which practice is more worthy, and specially if it is excluding native people.
To support indigenous people is not an easy path, it means going against the current paradigm of endless profit making as a priority and the consequences it has brought with it in the last few centuries.
Colonization could manifest as believing you need to provide education (like the one you received) as opposed to being open to other ways of living; and even more if you earn money from indigenous knowledge and do not retribute the original stewards of the knowledge and the land.
For example: the practices of permaculture and agroecology or agroforestry although repackaged by occidental cultures they originate in indigenous cultures, there is a long way to go to recognize where the knowledge of stewarding the land towards diversity comes from and where the resources need to be redistributed.

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