Adventuring Syntropy with Kath

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Learning Challenge: Create a Syntropic Enterprise

After two illuminating Listening Circles exploring and , held beautifully by , this is the third invitation I am extending as part of my adventures towards a syntropic future.

My invitation

This time I invite you to a Learning Challenge Create a Syntropic Enterprise; 12 weeks of spacious, and practice-led learning that is responsive to emergence and flows in heart-resonance.
Our compass will be in Syntropic World, guided by a practice of self-inquiry. I’m super excited to announce that Trent has agreed to facilitate this weekly synchronous learning circle. 💛
From what I have learned so far, I understand that in a Syntropic Enterprise we work in new, different ways together than what we know from business-as-usual organizations that are embedded in Modernity. Ways that give agency and sovereign choice to everyone who shows up to support the undertaking.

🌱 What will we explore?

We will explore and define the key elements that will give our enterprises direction & velocity. I will explore all this for PlanetHive, while I invite you to explore all of this for your own enterprise.
We will apply nature’s laws to:
enterprise architecture
Coordination and collaboration
accounting for value, enabling financial, physical and develop-mental provisioning

🌺 My adventures are not your adventures!

I am approaching this endeavor to find syntropic ways of being, playing, working, and learning in a way that makes most sense to me. Yes, I often feel like a fool. I cannot assume any of this fits your context. However, I hope it does! This is why I am calling on your curiosity, intuition, unique story, and the love for all life you are holding in your heart, if you consider joining me on this learning challenge.
This Learning Challenge is for you, if you are curious about:
how to lead and collaborate in reciprocal relationality?
how to tune into the Why and How of your calling?
how to be a heart-centered steward in service of All Life?

🐝 How much does it cost to join this learning challenge?

Nix, Nothing, Nada! I am following in the footsteps of inspiring trailblazers in Earth Regenerators and beyond, who dare to offer their services in the Spirit of the Gift. Therefore my invitation to join this learning challenge doesn’t come with a price tag. However it comes with an ask to bring a willingness to learn from love. Anyone is free to join at their very own pace, and capacity to learn!
👇🏼 Simply choose your opt-in below.
Having left a $100K annual salary behind in order to follow my heart, far too often I have experienced monetized content as a barrier for me to participate and to learn. Almost always I was challenged with a burden of proof that I lack the financial resources to join a webinar, a learning journey, a community, or to access content. It is an exhausting experience, which I don’t want to put on anyone else, who feels called to learn. That’s why, I am committed to finding new reciprocal ways of being in service, where content is not locked away behind a paywall.

This exploration is inspired by everything I have learned in during my participation in the and the taught so beautifully by Christine McDougall, who has been a dedicated student of Buckminster Fuller for over 30 years. I was lucky enough to win the attendance to the Syntropic Masterclass, and to receive funding from for my participation in the Synergistic Accounting Workshop.

Join the challenge!

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There a three different ways how you can opt-in to explore with me. You can join me for a weekly hour of exploration in synchronous togetherness on Wednesdays/Thursdays in Earth Regenerators and the PlanetHive Campsite in Hylo. Please see event details in your local time
Another option to follow along is asynchronously; by receiving my weekly Adventure Journal into your email inbox. I invite you to choose any or all of the options; whatever flows best in your life right now. I am excited for you to adventure with me. ✨♾️

Trust and Prosperity Explorers in ER


PlanetHive Campsite in Hylo


Follow my Adventure Journal

You can also find the event in the Samara Google Calendar:

I hope you will take my offering and ask as an invitation to be part of something greater than you and me; a pathway towards being in service of All Life for many generations to come. So far, this journey has a humbling experience of learning to live a more conscious and brave life. I am utterly grateful for all the love, trust and support I am receiving. 🙏🏼

Support my Adventures!

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If you love what I am doing, and you have the financial means, I ask you with all my heart, and as naked as I am, to support me. The easiest way to contribute to my labor of love is through on PlanetHive Open Collective. 🍯
No matter how small or big your support is, I know it comes from your heart, and it will ease the right livelihood challenges I am dancing with. 💞
Please get in touch if you feel called to support my adventures in other ways.
I also invite you to watch my Synergistic Audit in this (58 minutes, including ) for this first leg of my adventures to learn more about my desires, willingness and capacities, and what I expect in return. I have sectioned the video story to help with navigating the recording. This is the first time I audited out loud outside the Synergistic Accounting Workshop in Syntropic World. 💃🏼
Aroha mai. Aroha atu.
Love received. Love given.
Kath 💚
heART FreqVE Adventuring by Lady 🦉


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