Once I accepted entropy for being complementary to syntropy, I slowly became aware of the very next step I would need to inhabit in order to generate a harmony between syntropy and entropy in and around me, which is to embrace entropy.
I only started to play with embracing entropy, and so far it feels like an intimidating dance of action and reflection with unknown steps, accompanied with heaps of curiosity.
I do know that there's beauty that can be found In the community by accepting the entropic; opposed to believing that the entropic force is damaging only. ~ Trent
There is entropy in the bashing and clashing. There is disorder. Disorder can sometimes be exactly what's needed. ~ midi
Generosity can't sustain without boundaries: What are the boundaries that need to be in place for me to stay in my integrity and make the most generous assumption about you? ~ Brené Brown
Language governs our consciousness. The language that we were taught and programmed with has the capacity to limit us in how we perceive the world and reality.