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All Things VC - October 23' Edition

Tweets, nuggets & more

Samir Kaji

Meghan Reynolds

James Sedgwick-Heath

Memes and more

Articles & Posts

- A Deep Dive into Q3 2023's Funding Landscape

Acadian Ventures Venture Capital in Silicon Valley is Broken

James Heath - There aren't many LPs in the market right now, but those who are will reap the largest rewards

LPs 101 — what are limited partners, and what do they look for in VCs?

SiftedEU - European founders are backtracking on employee equity. It’s not a good idea

Niraj Pabari - Secondaries can be so important for founding teams to cash out when the time is right.

Summary of why the big exits you see, aren’t really what you think

Search Funds - With the surge in popularity of search funds, new investors are flocking to get a piece of the action.

Alan Vaksman - VC is in the middle of a generational shake-up

Kanwal Rekhi on VC Economics ​

Bridge Financing: When Venture Capitalists Throw Good Money After Bad

Greg Head - What percentage of the pitches they see will be great SaaS businesses for the founders but aren't a fit for their fund?

Michael Jackson - Horizon Europe successor fund

The EU’s next seven-year science funding programme has to have a budget of €200B...more than double Horizon Europe’s budget of €95.5B

Dave McClure and David Zhou - how VCs should think about selling mature VC portfolio assets

News & Reports

CBInsights - State of Venture Q3’23 Report

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Global venture funding increases 11% QoQ to $64.6B.
New unicorn births drop 40% in Q3’23 to the lowest total in years.
The global IPO market continues to rebound, with IPOs up 24% QoQ.
Half of the top 10 largest equity deals go to the electric vehicle industry.
Europe leads global exit share at 38%, with the US close behind at 35%.

PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor

PitchBook Analyst Note: Global VC Ecosystem Rankings

PitchBook - European Venture Report

Snippet from the report
PitchBook’s Q3 2023 European Venture Report shows that startups have raised €43.6 billion in the first nine months of this year—nearly 50% lower than in the same period in 2022. While the drop is significant, this year’s annual deal value figure is on track to reach pre-2021 levels, signalling that Europe’s venture market has still experienced long-term structural growth.

Carta - Why are seed stage valuations immune to decline?

PitchBook - VCs hope plunging IRR is behind them

The global VC market continues to stumble

PJT Park Hill - Q3 2023 secondary market overview by

CrunchBase - European Venture Funding Slows Further At Seed And Early Stage

Research - The impact of founder personalities on startup success

Snippet from the report
1) We show that founder personality traits are a significant feature of a firm’s ultimate success.
2) We find that the Big Five personality traits of startup founders across 30 dimensions significantly differ from that of the population at large.
3) Key personality facets that distinguish successful entrepreneurs include a preference for variety, novelty and starting new things (openness to adventure), like being the centre of attention (lower levels of modesty) and being exuberant (higher activity levels).
4) We do not find one ’Founder-type’ personality; instead, six different personality types appear.

General Catalyst joins forces with an European VC

Sifted EU- European VCs’ market sentiment is at record low

The surveyed almost 500 VCs to get their views on the state of the market. It doesn’t give much to be hopeful about.
👉 70% of VCs say the fundraising environment is bad or very bad — and almost two-thirds think it will get worse or remain the same in the next 12 months. 👉 28% of VCs say their investment activity has decreased 👉 Nearly half of VCs say competition for deals has decreased 👉 Two-thirds of VCs say portfolio company valuations have fallen 👉 72% of VCs, the exit environment has significantly deteriorated in 2023 — although half think it’ll get better next year.
- 70% of respondents share gloomy VC perceptions about fundraising in 2023, with two of the top three VC challenges related to fundraising. - Almost 80% of fund managers fear that if interest rates remain high, LPs’ appetite for venture capital will shrink - VCs report a slower pace of new investments and difficulties in finding co-investors, resulting in decreased competition among investors and entry prices. - More portfolio companies underperformed expectations in 2023, with increased insolvency expectations and deteriorating access to external finance. - Top challenges for VC portfolio companies remain equity financing, recruiting professionals, and customer acquisition. - The exit environment worsened in 2023, with a shift away from IPOs and trade sales to more insolvencies and secondary sales. - Key challenges in the exit environment include insufficient IPO market liquidity and finding potential buyers.

CrunchBase - North American Startup Funding Looked Flat In Q3

CrunchBase - A Secondary Investor’s Take On The Current, Still-Unnamed Downturn

Sam Lessin did a ‘The state of VC in 2023’

What should the composition of corporate venture capital (CVC) teams be?

European VCs get better returns than US counterparts

Employee liquidity isn’t a myth, but it isn’t easy to provide either

Videesha Boeckle providing summary on Funding Venture 2023 from Mountside Ventures

2023 Early Stage Founder Sentiment Report

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SVB - State of Corporate Venture Capital

FT - Venture capital funds pledge to invest in unlisted UK companies

Podcasts & Videos

Jamie Rhode on Why 95% of LPs Can Only Achieve a 10% IRR

(01:07) Jamie’s data driven approach
(04:37) Jamie’s first principles approach to VC portfolio construction
(07:00) The mean return in venture is 4-5x greater than the median
(10:54) Jamie’s strategy and proprietary deal flow
(21:20) Jamie’s red flags for GPs
(24:00) Ideal GPs
(27:40) Compounding returns
(29:40)What percentage of venture investors are able to access a strategy that results in 25% compounding?
(30:55) Co-investing with other LPs
(32:43) Other top tier LPs shoutouts
(38:00) #OpenLP movement and transparency
(40:10) Who will be the next great GPs?
(44:00) Management fees

Joe Schorge (Isomer Capital) - Why now is Europe's time

Crunchbase - The venture market is overcorrecting

What is discussed?
The big picture: What should we think about when we consider the Q3 2023 venture capital market as a whole.
Venture capital flows around the world. As always, where venture dollars land is nearly as important as their total number for any particular period.

VC/LP Pitch Session between Marc Penkala of Altitude & Michael Sidgmore of Broadhaven Ventures on the EUVC podcast

’ Partner, , shares her insights on the current LP landscape

Ho Nam - Lessons in Venturing Differently

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