Product Design Overview

Section overview

Sidebar and top nav bar
Onboarding process / sign up
Jobs marketplace
Job details page
Apply to job popup
My applications
Individual profiles
Edit profile
My account drop down menu
Add a company
Company profile
Edit company profile
Create a job ad
My job ads
Manage job applicants
User settings
Discord bot info page
Admin panel

Sidebar and Top Nav Bar

User flow
Users can view the sidebar on all pages, it’s the link to every page within the site reducing the clicks needed to get to the users target destination. Clone MagicEden sidebar.

Sidebar nav menu (sync bar) - NOT SIGNED IN
Job market
All jobs
Popular jobs
New jobs
Events (coming)
Education (coming)
Sidebar footer
Learn about our Discord bot
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Sidebar nav menu (sync bar) - FOR INDIVIDUALS signed in
Job market
All jobs
Popular jobs
New jobs
Your profile
View profile
Edit profile
Events (coming)
Education (coming)
Sidebar footer
Learn about our Discord bot
Line break

Sidebar nav menu (sync bar) - FOR COMPANIES signed i
Manage job ads
All job ads
Live job ads
Inactive job ad
Your company
View profile
Edit profile
Create job ad
Sidebar footer
Learn about our Discord bot
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Top nav menu
Profile in right hand corner
Edit profile
Job stats bar in middle - like magic eden site
Jobs listed
Applications sent

Onboarding process / signup

User flow:
User presses to sign up, onboarding flow starts by firstly presenting two options to the user - whether they’re a hirer or a candidate - then proceeds to fill out their profile.

Two options:
Two options are firstly presented
“Company” with subtext “If you are looking to hire for your web3 company” or “Candidate” with subtext “If you are looking to find a job in web3”

Company flow:
Step 1: fill fields for “Create your web3 company profile”
Company name
Banner (add image)
Profile picture (add image)
Website (link)
Chain (dropdown)
About company (max 600 chars)
Step 2: login details
Email and opt into newsletter/notifications
Password (enter twice)
Step 3: social authentication
Twitter (must auth) - can be done later but cant post ads till done

Candidate flow:
Step 1: fill fields for “Create your web3 candidate profile”
Display name
Banner (add image)
Profile picture (add image)
Short bio (this is max 80 chars)
Skillset (choose up to 10, search for skills and press to add)
About you (max 600 chars)
Experiences (can add up to 6, press + to add more)
Step 2:
Email and opt into newsletter/notifications
Password (enter twice)
Step 3: social authentication
Twitter (must auth) - can be done later
Discord (must auth) - can be done later

Job marketplace page

User flow:
The user flow for this page is very simple, the users goal is to find jobs. Hence, we must show jobs, allow for filtering to help the user find the jobs they want, and provide basic but relevant information about the jobs shown so the user can identify whether it’s something they want to click on and look into the details of. Users can apply on this page to each job

Multiple job listings
Content contained for each listing
Circular image identifying company
Company name and Twitter
Job title e.g. “Marketing expert”
Category e.g. Marketing, Development, Community management
3x main skills e.g. 3D art, Solidity, C++, collaborations
Amount of applicants
Apply button -> submit application popup
Click on job -> job details page
Search bar
Takes into account job descriptions & company names
Filter drop down
Apply new to old filter
Apply relevant filter
Filters select
Select multiple skills filter - use + button to add
Select multiple categories filter - use + button to add
Infinite scrolling, allow user to keep scrolling
Design ideas: - focus on example image 2, clone search/filter bar and similar layout for jobs board but containing the information above instead of the regular info

Job details page

User flow
User clicks on a job to view it - the job details highlights two main elements. A) company information as outlined below, giving the user a good understanding of what they’re doing and who they are, and B) a full overview of the job details. It is likely that most users will land on a job details page for a specific job before applying to it - must be a clear apply button.

Content displayed
Company information
Circular image of company → clicking on takes to company profile
Company banner → clicking on takes to company profile
Company name → clicking on takes to company profile
Company bio
Company social medias
Twitter → clicking on takes to twitter
Discord → clicking on takes to discord
Job information
Amount of applicants
Job description
Type of employment
Preferred timezone
Apply button -> submit application popup
Number of applicants
Similar jobs shown -> job details page
Back button (back to where they where on the job market)
Design ideas: , ,

Apply to job popup

User flow
User clicks on the apply button with the intent to apply to a job

Show username/socials/bio as set fields at top very brief (not in boxes)
Experiences (autofilled but ability to edit)
Skills (autofilled but ability to edit)
Questions from employer
Why them (optional field)
Functionality based on log in
Autofills based on login
Asked to create account if not
For security
Apply → submits application (takes back to job details page - apply button turns to applied)
Design ideas: , simple most should autofill from profile information - applicant just needs to add their tailored message (could be a popup or box under information)

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