The evolution of the todo-list
The Evolution of the ToDo List

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Gen 4 - Gather Some Ideas (Projects)

Once the people got together, some overachieving idiot said: “Let’s build something....”
Which was another leap up the evolutionary ladder for the todo-list.
But earth’s environment knew the easy days were over.
Because people always want to outdo each other, ....
they needed the ability to manage different kinds of projects. The penultimate todo list comes with two Project Types
Research Project
Software project
There is a template for each available project type in the page on the left.
For your ultimate todo list, you can add new template pages, and add them to the list. To be able to pull them into new projects, you need to update the formula in the “Create new project page” column to add a new option for your new project type in the Switchif() formula used to create new pages:
Want to build a Wendy House in the back?
Want to build a house?
Want to build a palace?
Show us what you can do!
Things to look out for
The tables does not make use of a canvas column. there are two reasons
I wanted to be able to have different templates for different Project Types.
Canvas columns cannot have sub pages. By duplicating a template page, it is possible to also duplicate all the sub-pages on that template page.

Add New Project
Project Type
Project Name
Link to New Page
Add new project Template
Develop to do list for the ages
Add New Project Template
New Project
Add New Project Template
There are no rows in this table

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