The evolution of the todo-list
The Evolution of the ToDo List

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Gen 3 - Meetings

Once 2 people got together, they wanted more people.
And then somebody said: “Let’s have a MEETING.....”
Which was the next step in the todo list evolution, but the first step in human devolution....
Things to look out for:
The Meeting Details column is a
@Canvas column (Coda)
. Every time that you create a new meeting, Coda will copy in the template from . This template
has a view of an attendees list, where you can enter attendees for this particular meeting, and also other people that needs to receive copies of the minutes.
has room for an agenda, notes and decisions
has a view of the Todo List table (of course) where you can enter any and all todo actions that arise from the meeting.
For your ultimate todo list, you can modify the to suit your requirements as they evolve. Every time that a new meeting is scheduled, it will pull in the latest information from this template.
The “Send Minutes” button will send a copy of the “Meeting Details” cell to every person that is in the attendee list.
The “Meeting Name” column forms the link between the Meeting itself and the meeting action items.

Add New meeting
Add New Person
Todo Item
Todo Type
Due Date
Meeting Topic
Meeting Details
Send Minutes
Meeting Name
Discuss December Holidays
6/15/2022, 10:30
Send Minutes
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