Moody Me

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Let's talk about...


Generally speaking, from the moment we open our eyes in the morning ☀️ until we close them at night 🌙, whether we want it or not, we experience 😊.

They are Legion

They are as numerous and various as they can be, coming in all kinds of shapes and colours. They can be positive or negative. They can last or disappear as quickly as they came. They can be intense or very diffuse.

They have power

They guide us through our days. They push us to act and/or to re-act.
They help us build, create, evolve... They can have so much power over our life that we had to invent so from time to time, we could ignore them for a while.

They are everywhere

They are thoughts, instants, words, friends, beautiful landscapes, paintings, textures or sounds...

The Tricky Side

Emotions are complex, deeply linked to our mind, our body, our experiences and basically anything in our surroundings. They are personal and because they are not just words in a dictionary, they can be hard to describe, distinguish from one another or verbalise.

Quantifying and Qualifying Emotions

Emotions have always sparked some interests.
How do I feel ?
Why and How do I feel like this ?
Those simple questions have been explored by Great Thinkers, philosophers, psychoanalysts, psychologists, psychiatrists for ages.
They stimulated research, studies and improvements in diverse fields leading us, today, not only to a better understanding of our general emotional state but also ways to take care of it, helping us to try and refine our quality of life.
In the 70’s / 80’s it seems that we knew enough about Emotions that some tried to and developed “” to do so.
Dimensional models of emotion attempt to conceptualize human emotions by defining where they lie in two or three . Most dimensional models incorporate and or intensity dimensions. Dimensional models of emotion suggest that a common and interconnected neurophysiological system is responsible for all affective states. These models contrast theories of basic emotion, which propose that different emotions arise from separate neural systems. Several dimensional models of emotion have been developed, though there are just a few that remain as the dominant models currently accepted by most. The two-dimensional models that are most prominent are the circumplex model, the vector model, and the Positive Activation – Negative Activation (PANA) model.
... which kind of leads me here 😊.

Why ?

Like I said, knowing how we feel can sometimes be more difficult than one would think.
It can even be a struggle if, like my Sweet Significant Other, you’re a stable 😊.
Being stable doesn’t mean you don’t experience mood swings anymore but being bipolar means you can enter peculiar states of mind such as .
For him, trying to keep track of his emotions/mood swings over time has always felt like a need.
The problem is that he didn’t find the right tool that would help him fulfil that wish.
So, a few months ago, he asked me if I would be able to build him a mood tracker in Coda 😊.
Specifically, one based on a “Wheel of Emotions” (one of the dimensional models of emotion) he found on the web which would allow him to evaluate how low or high his level of
is, how negative or positive is the
and get, as the result, the Emotion he is currently feeling (based on the emotions figuring on the wheel) 😊.
And this is exactly what I did 😊.

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