Lecture 1)
Medieval Literature
Old English period: approx 450-1100
Middle English Period: 1100-1500
-periods refer to stages of the development of the language
-different cultural influences

Old English
arrival of germanic settlers (Angles/ Saxons)
old germanic language
settlers brought beliefs and culture (not a lot of literature at that time, mainly religious texts) Texts in Latin- most important language
fewer than 30,000 lines of old english remain (lost due to war, time etc.)
Beowulf- Manuscript (written around year 1000(story is older, transmitted orally prior to being written ), setting: Scandinavia, Plot: Hero/ adventure (defeating monsters) -can be compared to J.R.Toilken Novels
Movies/videos games and books based on the story of beowulf, inspiration
Middle English
consequence of the Norman Conquest (1066): Norman Nobility (French speaking) ruled over England
Three Languages of the 12th Century
-English: everyday language
-French: language of court -Literature
-Latin: Religious texts
beginning of 13th Century
after 100year war against France 1339-1453
English is language of court

Chronicles: Historical, including supernatural, legends (first written in Latin) (considered scholar texts)
Saints Lives/ Legends: saint is presented as model (Cult of saints) (exists sice 8th Century)
Poetry: 3200 Middle englisch poems
Romances: 1116 romances survived to this day, based on Anglo- Saxon, Viking, french, Latin& Celtic sources (Theme: chivalry of knights/ Heros Fighting, adventure) love at first sight
Medieval Theatre: Late because theatre was thought to be immoral
Mystery plays- biblical/ apocryphal stories (satire/ ironic - disregarded by church because disrespect towards biblical stories)
Morality characters embody abstract ideas ( Person playing pride)
Saints play- saints conversion to christianity
Geoffrey Chaucer -famous author of the time; (The Canterbury Tales 1387-1400)
social ranks, professions, female perspective portrayed in his writings


British Literary History
Early Modern Period (language) / Renaissance (Culture) : 1500-1642
renewed interest in greek/. Roman Literature antiquity (church disapproves)
Origin: Italy
Sub-periods (reigning Monarchs)
Elizabethan Age: 1558-1603
Jacobean Age: 1603-1625
Theatre: 🏟
-Playwrights (Shakespeare) ( no females) / permanent Theaters (Globe Theatre)
-popular form of public entertainment ( affordable for all) (2,000-3,000 people)
-no roof- time of day had to be announced during play
-few props
-all roles played by men
-Thomas Wyatt, Henry Howard - introduced to England
Origin: Italy
English Shakespearean sonnet:
- focus more on individual expression of emotions, attitudes and reflexions, thus evincing rather lyric qualities
-characterised by 14 lines, consistent meter and a structural division
3 quatrains + heroic couplet (surprising twist ending)
crated by Henry Howard not Shakespeare

The English Civil War and the Interregnum: 1642 - 59
-1642: Beginning ( royalists/ supporters of the King fight against supporters of parliament)
1649: King Charles 1 executed; England becomes a republic (Interregnum)
no theatre-illegal
religious text -important
impact of puritan
The Restoration Period: 1660 - 1685/ 1700
-1660 Monarchy restored (King Charles 2)
Theatre open- new genres (taste of upper class reflected)
women appeared on Stage and Playwrights
End of reign -1685 (Charles dead)
1700- John Dryden dead (restauration author) , new genres come after (end of century)
The Eighteenth Century : 1700-c. 1800
-(ongoing colonisation) (became more intense ) (Britain-imperialism)
-Industrial revolution 1760-1840 (England leading, very rich)
-Trade (slaves) (abolished 1807)
Impact of social changes on literature in the 18th century
middle class because subject of literature
the novel - narrative genre emerged
3 parts
about lecture answer 4 out of 6 questions ( dot have to memorize dates and titles
not multiple choice
describe charateristiscs of genre etc ...
analysis, comment etc


British Literary History
Romanticism 1789-1820s
→ poetry dominated (Frankenstein: not poetry, 1818)
→ Romanticism not primary about love
Characteristics of Romanticism
beauty of natural environment: reason, 18th century industrialised, making nature more important
powerful emotions, imaginations, dreams
criticism on child labor
support for abolition of slavery
political: liberty; social criticism & political interests fuelled by ideas of the french Revolution

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