Copper Pack for Coda: Start Here

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✏️ Editing Data

Coda’s Pack platform doesn’t allow you to directly edit the data within a Sync Table, the way you would in a normal table. So if you want to update an Opportunity’s status, for example, you can’t just type in “Won” or select it from a dropdown. Instead, you need to use Action Formulas. A common workflow example:
Add a button column, for example a button labeled “Win”
For the Button formula, enter UpdateOpportunityStatus(thisRow.Opportunity.[Copper Url], “Won”)
See for a full list of available Action Formulas in the Copper pack
While this can be a bit cumbersome depending on the updates you want to make, one benefit is that it helps to protect your Copper data from accidental edits/deletion.

↩️ Reverse Lookups

The Opportunities sync table has a column for the Primary Contact (Person) and Company that the Opportunity is related to. But what if you want to see all of a Person’s Opportunities in the People table?
In the People table, add a column.
For column type, choose Lookup, and then you’ll see Referenced By in the flyout menu.
Select Opportunities > Company to show all the Opportunities that reference this Company
The same can be done for other relationships like Person > Company and Company > Opportunity

🐳 Syncing Lots of Data

By default, a Sync Table in Coda is set to receive a maximum of 1,000 rows. If you have more than 1,000 of a certain record type:
Hover on the header of the table and choose Options
Choose Copper Companies (for example)
Choose Settings
Adjust the Table Limit

🔨 Build Task-Based Views

Copper holds a ton of data, and you can augment it with your own in Coda. Keep things manageable by making multiple views of the sync tables, each tailored to a certain task. For example, have a view that’s filtered to Open opportunities, and make a Button column with formula UpdateOpportunityStatus( thisRow.CopperUrl, ”Won”). Use a separate table view for other tasks, augmented with your own filters, buttons, and additional columns.
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