Copper Pack for Coda: Start Here

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The Copper Pack includes 3 types of elements:

🔄 Sync Tables

These are tables you can drag in from the sidebar, that pull in your Copper data and keep it in sync.
There are tables for People, Opportunities, and Companies
Data coming into sync tables can’t be edited directly, but you can add additional columns that you can edit and control
People Companies Opportunities

💪 Buttons (Action Formulas)

These formulas, which can be executed from within Copper formula language, or attached to buttons, can manipulate your data in Copper
Most often, you’ll be creating a Button column in one of the Sync tables, and setting the button’s action to modify your Copper data
You can also use these within Coda Automations, to react to changes in outside data e.g. email marketing, invoicing, etc.

UpdateOpportunityStatus() UpdateOpportunityStage() RenameOpportunity() AssignOpportunity() AssignCompany() AssignPerson() TagOpportunity() TagCompany() TagPerson() UntagOpportunity() UntagCompany() UntagPerson() UpdateOppCustomField() UpdateCompanyCustomField() UpdatePersonCustomField()

🎨 Column Formats

In a regular table, you can paste in a link to a Copper Opportunity, and you’ll see your column automatically adjust to a “Copper Opportunity” column format
This pulls in all the data related to that Copper Opportunity, which you can see if you hover on the Opportunity name.
You can also select the column formats manually, or use the formulas directly, e.g. Person(Copper Account, ‘https://....’)

Person() Company() Opportunity()

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