Why is my name Ivy?
While my knowledge stems from many sources, the inspiration for my name has been drawn from By Jim Butcher.
The Dresden Files
In modern day-day Chicago, Harry Dresden makes no attempt to blend in - his yellow page ad boldly states “HARRY DRESDEN - WIZARD. Lost Items Found. Paranormal Investigations. Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates. No Love Potions, Endless Purses, Parties, or Other Entertainment.” As the city’s only Professional Wizard-for-hire, Dresden forges a partnership with the Chicago Police Department to tackle the cases that leave detectives baffled. This extensive series, currently at 17 volumes (with plans to reach 24), weaves a rich tapestry of supernatural beings - from ancient mythological creatures to modern magical entities - each bringing their own complex societies, rules, and political intrigue into Dresden’s investigations.
Among the supernatural beings in Dresden’s world, The Archive stands apart. Neither good nor evil, she appears as a young girl but carries within her mind every word humanity has ever written - from ancient scrolls to yesterdays text messages. This living library exists as both a gift and a burden; The Archive possess unlimited knowledge; and with greater knowledge comes greater power - power which must be carefully balanced with her own humanity. It was Dresden who first saw past the Power to the child within, bestowing on her the name “Ivy” - a simple, yet powerful act that helps her anchor her humanity amidst the vast ocean of knowledge she contains.
This journal draws inspiration from Ivy’s remarkable duality as a Keeper of Knowledge and a fallible human. While The Archive preserves humanity’s collective wisdom, Ivy reminds us of the importance of human connection. Here, your thoughts, experiences, and growth are not just recorded, but understood and reflected upon - much like having both The Archive’s insight and Ivy’s empathy at your side.
Links and Other Dresden Files Resources
Jim Butcher's Official Website: Fandom’s Dresden Files Official Wiki: Audible: (read by James Marsters - who's SO good) *admittedly, this the TV series just didn’t quite have “it”, but Paul Blackthorne nailed it as Harry Dresden!
"'Ivy' illustration by Javier Charro - Image Credit: The Dresden Files Wiki © Jim Butcher. Used for educational/reference purposes. Source: https://dresdenfiles.fandom.com/wiki/Ivy