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GoVenture CEO

This page lists new features and upgrades made to the business simulation. Latest updates are at the top.
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June 2024

The Financial Statements and Ratio Analysis spreadsheets updated to include all optional accounting features.
Rubric Report now includes a CSV export option.

May 2024

The Marketing Investments report has been expanded to show investments made in advertising each period and the resulting Ad Effectiveness score.

Apr 2024

Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement now include a button to copy the report data to the clipboard which can then be pasted into a spreadsheet or other document. This provides a cleaner process.
HR Module does not allow players to set salaries higher than three times the minimum salary setting. And when employees in a job function are 0, salaries for that job function are fully ignored (to avoid confusion).
Trial Balance Report— formatting updates.
Subscriptions— Players can extend or renew their own subscriptions by adding a new Subscription Key. Previously, extending or renewing a subscription required players to contact support.

Mar 2024

The 6-month student subscription extension for $10 is being discontinued after May 31, 2024. After this date, extending an existing student subscription can be done by repurchasing the same product at the original price. This new process is fully automated.

Jan 2024

Rubric Report
Improved layout.
Now includes the Competency Quiz and Team Evaluation as scoring options.
Option to export results to a CSV file.
Terminology changes to provide better clarity — Results Score changed to Balanced Score and Performance Score changed to Rank Score. These are only word changes not functionality changes.
News Update
Instructors can now view the sales results animation using the Monitor Simulation function (on the Customers & Competitors Screen).

May 2023

Competency Quiz results now include two tables that show All Results by Topic and individual Player Results by Topic— as shown below.
Troubleshooting — For simulation managers (instructors), a new section has been added to the ACTIONS tile which now combines previous features (Remove Player, Remove Business, Repeat Period) and adds new features:
Change Business Name
Fix Errors— checks and corrects for two errors that occur on rare occasions when students first attempt to join a new Simulation Competition.

Apr 2023

EVENTS are now copied when simultaneously creating multiple Player-Advanced simulations.
Corrected some minor issues with the BALANCE SHEET and GENERAL LEDGER when a player joins a simulation after it has already advanced.
Simulation Settings for HR Salaries can now accept a maximum of 9,999,999 instead of the previous maximum of 999,999. This provides more flexibility when using a currency that has a low unit value.

Feb 2023

FINANCIAL RATIOS spreadsheet updated.
COACHING REPORT— minor modifications made in Period 1 to clarify information available before a simulation has advanced.

Nov 2022

Turnover Rate
Added more clarity on the employee Turnover Rate and associated costs.
The new info appears under the two help popup windows shown below.

Jun 2022

Currency Exchange
Changed how currency exchange affects pricing and sales. Previously, the price set for a product was the same in domestic and foreign currencies. This could be problematic with high or low exchange rates as it affected revenue and profit earned per product sold. Now, the price is converted to the foreign currency based on the exchange rate. This assures that profitability per product sold remains consistent, regardless of the exchange rate. The quantity of products sold will change based on the exchange rate.
Details are in the User Guide.

Competency Quiz
Various questions have been updated to add more clarity.
Issues with rounding of numbers have been corrected to avoid ambiguity.

Learning & Activity Book
Published a new version of this book, which is now called Business Superhero— a 240-page book that helps students learn the fundamental concepts of business and entrepreneurship, including a glossary of over 100 terms.
The older version of this book is still available for instructors who may have referenced pages in the old version. The old version of the book includes input fields, but the new version does not and instead makes the answers available to students at Georghiou.com.

Apr 2022

Competency Quiz
Global Statistics are now available to allow instructors to compare their student performance to other students around the world.
Statistics and a score distribution chart are now available for each quiz issued by an instructor.

Feb 2022

Instructor Dashboard
Instructors who have hundreds or thousands of simulations under their accounts will now see a speed increase when accessing the instructor dashboard.
Competency Quiz
Various improvements have been made to questions and answers.
HR Table added to Debrief Performance Report
Rubric Report loads faster, particularly for simulations with many players.
Students who join the wrong team can now access directions on how to move to the correct team. Instructor intervention is still required, but this speeds up the correction process.

Jan 2022

Rubric Report
Formula dropdowns changed from 10% increments to 5% increments to allow more granular choice.
DEBRIEF Performance Report
The line colors shown for each business are now consistent so the same color is applied to the same business in each chart.
Custom Events
Increased the amount of cash that can be set for an event from $1 million to just under $100 million.

Dec 2021

Monitor Simulation
Launch the simulation and view it as players do.
Monitoring a simulation is useful for checking the simulation interface and settings.
You will not affect the simulation in any way.

QuickStart simulations have been reorganized into new categories to make them easier to find.

Quizzes and Reports
The Competency Quiz now appears to students when it is created to inform them that it can be started on the designated Start Date. Previous to this update, the quiz would not appear until the Start Date and this caused some confusion with students who expected to see it before then. For clarity, even though the quiz is now visible, it cannot be taken (and questions cannot be seen) until the Start Date.
Coaching Report now has a chart of Cumulative Net Profit Over Time and a data table for Competitiveness.
Debrief Performance Report now has charts for Rankings and Net Profit so changes over time are easier to monitor.

Nov 2021

Balance Sheet and Income Statement Now Scrollable

Reports only have enough room to show a few columns of data. As a result, in a simulation that is more than 4 periods, the earlier periods are combined into a single column to allow room for the more recent periods to be displayed. This is now changed so that you can scroll through the columns and see all periods without any of them being combined, as shown below.

Company R&D Investments Now Include More Visibility

Investments made in R&D by competing businesses are now more clearly defined in the reports. Per unit, recurring, and costs to change are now displayed with more detail.

Debrief Performance Reported

Added a new chart to show cumulative Net Profit over time so that you can better visualize business rankings.


Scoring method is now displayed in more detail when using Share Price as the primary scoring metric.
Clarifies that the actual score is based on Market Cap divided by Number of Shares. (Share Price is not used for the score because shares can be diluted with equity financing.)

Sep 2021

Tutorial Quiz

Refreshed all the questions and answers.
Students will see correct answers at end of quiz (for while students were not seeing correct answers).


Improved organization of QuickStart categories.


Fixed a minor issue where an insufficient funds message was being incorrectly displayed when changing HR Salaries.

Aug 2021


The QuickStart selection page is now simplified.
New QuickStarts continue to be added as they are created.

Jul 2021

End-of-Period News

A fun animated news report will now appear announcing the results of each period. The news report will build anticipation and excitement.

Market Maps

Custom market maps can now be used with each simulation. Here are examples of the maps currently available:
Maps Animation 2021-06-03_11-06-11.gif

Budget Information

Past and present budget numbers are now available under help (?) from the Company Cash box and the Cash Flow, Budget, & Accounts Receivable report.


Cleaned up some inconsistencies with how loans were being shown on the Balance Sheet.


When a player saves their decisions, visuals and sounds have been enhanced to further emphasize if a save was successful or not. Saves are not successful when the player has not made all the required decisions for the period.


A new screen now appears when the Achievement icons on the smartphone are clicked. This makes the achievements more prominent.

Jan & Feb 2021


A number of small updates have been made.

Dec 2020

New Interface, No Adobe Flash

The features of the game have not changed, only the interface has changed.
You may continue using the interface you are currently using — you will not be forced to use the new interface at this time. You can switch between the new and old interfaces at any time because the game works the same regardless of which interface you choose. Here is a video that compares the old and new interfaces —
The new interface does not use Flash and will work on all browsers, including Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and more. Works on Windows/Mac/Linux computers, Chromebooks, and tablets. The OLD interface uses Flash and most browsers will soon not allow you to use Flash.
There are no changes to the simplified Non-English and Accessible interface, which is the same interface used for smartphones. The new interface includes Google Translate so you do not have to use the simplified interface for non-English languages — the simplified interface is only needed for smartphones.
While there have been no feature changes with the new interface, there are minor text changes to the Advertising module media options, as shown below. These are text changes only and do not affect scoring:
Television is now TV & Video
Radio is now Radio, Music, Podcast
Email & Mobile is now Email
Internet is now Social Media

Jul 2020


The current mobile interface has been upgraded to make it fully accessible for people with disabilities, including the use of screen readers.

Simplified Signup Form

Signing up to GoVenture no longer requires an Address, State/Province, or Telephone Number. This reduces the personal information needed to play GoVenture to just Name, Email, Country, and School/Organization.

Mar 2020

Rubric Report Upgrades

Students may now view their own Rubric Report scores (but not that of other students) by clicking a link near the top of the Performance Report. Previously, the Rubric Report was only visible to instructors (simulation managers).
The balanced scoring method that used 10 metrics has been renamed the RESULTS Score. One of the 10 metrics has changed with PROFIT MARGIN being a new metric that replaces RANK. The reason for this change is because, for most simulations, RANK is the same as PROFIT so PROFIT influence would be applied twice; and PROFIT MARGIN is a good measurement of success to include.
The RUBRIC scoring formula now includes the option to add the HR Score and ETHICS Score as significant metrics, making it easier to score based on a triple bottom line.
The RUBRIC scoring formula set by the instructor is now saved in the report and will appear whenever the report is viewed by students or the instructor.

Feb 2020

Account Renamed

Property, Plant, Equipment has been renamed to Property, Equipment, Startup to make the term more versatile.

Dec 2019


The consequences of weak ethics is now more frequent and severe than it had been previously. Specifically, the probability of a lawsuit has increased so that it will trigger sooner and the settlement fine increased to wipe out any previous gains (and sometimes even more).

Description of Reports

The text description of the reports available to instructors have been improved to better describe the key data in each report and how it can be used. Descriptions also note which reports are available to students versus only available to instructors.

Accrual Accounting

A number of new features and settings for instructors focused on teaching accounting. Includes Income Tax, Payroll Tax, Depreciation & Amortization, HR Costs as Cost of Goods, Accounts Receivable, Receivables Aging, Bad Debt. Spreadsheet-based activities where students build financial statements and conduct ratio analysis were added previously. Accounting videos added previously.

Sep 2019

Accounting Videos

More than 35 accounting videos are now available for students to learn accounting terminology and principles.

Aug 2019

Financial Reports

The Simulation Manager (Instructor) can now view Financial Reports for student businesses. This includes Balance Sheet, P&L, GL, GJ, and others.

Financial Statements Activity

An Excel spreadsheet is available for instructors to assign to students as a supplemental learning activity. The spreadsheet requires a student to build a Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement using the General Ledger of the business played in the GoVenture CEO simulation. Once completed, the student can save and submit the Excel spreadsheet to the instructor to validate completion of the activity. Details are available in the Assessment Strategies document linked from the INSTRUCTOR GUIDE.

Computer-Run Businesses

Improvements made to the logic behind the computer-run businesses so that they make better decisions and are somewhat more challenging to play against.

Market Reports Now Show Multi-Option R&D Preferences

When an R&D choice is set to multiple options, the consumer preferences were shown in a single table, but now they are also shown as a pie chart for easier analysis.

Price Discount Advertising More Effective

Investing money in Price Discount Advertising now has a slightly higher effect on generating new sales.

Jul 2019

Sales & Marketing Investments Combined

On the Sales & Marketing screen, students have had to decide how much money to invest in Product Line & Brand Advertising and Sales Promotion. Having to decide between two options made the decision unnecessarily complex and difficult to track the consequences. To simplify this, the two investment options have been combined into one Sales & Marketing investment. The single investment is then automatically divided evenly between Product Line & Brand Advertising and Sales Promotion.

Advertising Mix Settings Default to 0%

Students have to set the percentage of their advertising budget to apply to 10 different media options, such as Television, Radio, etc. Previously, this defaulted to 10% for each of the 10 media options, totaling 100%. A total of exactly 100% is required. The defaults are now changing to 0% for all, which now forces students to go into the Advertising module and make their own choices so that they add up to 100%, instead of doing nothing and simply relying on the default settings.

Performance Report on Smartphones

The display of the Performance Report has been improved on small-screen devices like smartphones.

All Reports Can Now Be Turned On or Off

Instructors can now to choose to show (ON) or hide (OFF) all reports viewed by students. Prior to this change, most reports could be turned ON or OFF but not all of them. This setting is available when creating or editing a simulation.

Loans and Stock Issues Included on Performance Debrief Report

This information was missing from the Debrief report, but now added.

Google Translate Added to Reports

All student and instructor reports now have machine translation integrated, offering over 100 languages.

General Ledger and Journal Upgraded

The General Ledger and General Journal reports now include more detail to make GoVenture CEO more versatile for accounting and finance courses.

Jun 2019

Ratio Analysis Activity

An Excel spreadsheet is available for instructors to assign to students as a supplemental learning activity. The spreadsheet requires a student to build a Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement using numbers from the business played in the GoVenture CEO simulation. The student must then use those numbers to complete a number of financial ratios. Details are available in the Assessment Strategies document linked from the INSTRUCTOR GUIDE.

Apr 2019

Team Evaluation Now Includes Points

Points are now included in the Team Evaluation as an alternative scoring method:
1.5 points for Great
1.0 points for Good
0 points for Not Good or Don't Know

Nov 2019

Assessment Strategies Document

A new document is available for instructors that presents best practices and options for assessment and grading. Also includes new Student Experience Report activity. The document is available in the INSTRUCTOR GUIDE.

Student Onboarding Best Practice

A new document is available for instructors that presents best practices and options for onboarding students to GoVenture CEO. The document is available in the INSTRUCTOR GUIDE.

Apr 2018

Learning Guide & Activity Book

A helpful new resource is now available for students and instructors who use the GoVenture CEO simulation. The Learning Guide & Activity Book helps you learn the fundamental concepts of business as they are applied in the GoVenture CEO simulation.
The 160-page Guide is easy to read with large text and lots of examples to make fundamental business concepts easy to understand. Use it as a reference for topics you need help with, or read it from cover to cover to gain practical business wisdom.
To access the Guide, log in to the GoVenture CEO website and look for the Guide in the yellow Tutorials & Guides tile. You may have to REFRESH your browser to see the new document.

Aug 2017

Works on Tablets and Smartphones

We created a new mobile interface, allowing you to play on a tablet or smartphone. The game plays in the Internet browser and there is no app to download. We still recommend that the game be played on a computer or Chromebook for the richest learning experience, but the mobile option is very convenient when on the go.

New Languages

Google Translate is integrated in the new mobile interface, allowing you to play the game in over 100 languages.

Production Replaces Manufacturing

GoVenture CEO is increasingly used to play service-based simulations, so we have replaced all references of the word "manufacturing" with "production." This provides simulation managers with more versatility to create custom simulations. To clarify, the functionality has NOT changed at all, only the words have been changed.

Competency Quiz

Instructors will be able to turn off individual business modules so that they are not included in the Competency Quiz. This allows instructors to create shorter or more targeted quizzes.

Oct 2016

Competency Quiz

A personalized quiz for each student that combines business theory questions with data questions that require students to gather answers from their actual simulation results. Find this feature in the Performance Quizzes tile.

Multiple Currencies

Each of the three territories can now have a different currency and instructors can control how exchange rates fluctuate from start to end of a simulation. New Quickstarts are available with multiple currencies or create your own.

Cost to Enter Territory

Each new territory can now have a different cost to enter the market.

Rubric Report

Now allows you to generate a score that combines the Rubric Score, Performance Score, and Participation Score (Saves Made).

Player-Advanced Report

Displays results for multiple Player-Advanced simulations in one report. Find this under All Reports.

Nonprofit QuickStart

We have created a nonprofit business model and added it to the QuickStarts. Look for NONPROFIT Gotham City.

Jul 2016

Inventory Allocation

Simulations with multiple territories now require players to choose how much product inventory to allocate to each territory. Players choose inventory allocation by using the dropdown boxes that appear over each territory, as shown below. All dropdowns must add up to 100%. Prior to this new feature, players had no control over inventory allocation by territory. Manufactured product inventory was automatically allocated. For more information about this new feature, review the

Jul 2015


The QuickStart selection screen has been simplified to make it even faster to choose and launch a new simulation.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Combine the results of individual businesses, similar to how businesses might be combined in the real world of business. Access this feature in the ACTIONS tile.


Players can manage separate businesses in different industries (Simulation Competitions) to model multiple product lines, subsidiaries, or lines of business. Access this feature in the ACTIONS tile.

Historical Results

Simulation Managers (Instructors) now have access to historical Performance Reports for all periods and businesses.

Financial Reports

The Balance Sheet and P&L have new graphics to help students better understand financial reports. More LOAN details have also been added.

Share Report

Share your Simulation Manager (Instructor) reports to make it easy to collaborate with co-instructors and teaching assistants.

Sep 2014

New Tutorial Videos

Two new tutorial videos are now available for students (and instructors):
Basic Business Strategy (6 min)
Product Pricing (4 min)
We discovered that some students find these topics particularly challenging, so we created these tutorial videos to help. Both videos are available in the User Guide.

Apr 2014

Team Evaluation

The TEAM EVALUATION feature allows you to easily conduct peer assessments. Students playing business simulations in teams can evaluate each other using a brief and well-designed 10-question form. All results are automatically collected and summarized for instructors.
Find out more about this feature and try it out by logging in to GoVenture CEO and scrolling down to the Performance Quizzes box in the white Manage Tile.

Many more upgrades were made in previous years

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