Gusto's GusTools Playbook
Wrap it up

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Post-Mortem Write-up

Collect and share lessons learned throughout a project.
Project managers will use this to facilitate a discussion and uncover any root causes of project disturbances. Summarize key takeaways and opportunities to share out with stakeholders.
Tips/Tricks: Send out an anonymous survey to attendees ahead of time to help anchor the conversation.

[Your Project] | Post-Mortem Write-up

Date Created:
5/14/2020 2:56:39 PM
(will automatically update)
Questions: Ask [email or Slack username]
Important Links

Team Discussion

What went well

<Insert quotes if possible>
Add What Worked Well
What worked and why
Keep in mind
Who Added
Takeaway #1
Describe what part of the process went well.
What to keep in mind for the next time
Al Chen
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Opportunities for improvement

<Insert quotes if possible>
Add Opporunity for Improvement
What didn't work & why
For next time
Improvement #1
Explain what happened
How to mitigate risk next time
Al Chen
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Post-Mortem Survey Results

Potential questions to ask (Scale of 1-5, Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree)
The goals of this project were clear to me
The project team worked well together
Project communication was timely and effective
Issues were resolved in a timely and satisfactory way
Roles and responsibilities were well defined and communicated
We got the results we wanted from this project
I am satisfied with the level of technical support received
There were enough resources assigned to the project
The timeline of this project was realistic
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