ADHD my life

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Fuel (Nutrition and Hydration)

Daily summary

eating period of 8 to 10 hours (11am - 9pm) - stop 2 to 3 hours before slep
drinking period from starting to
in most days stop eating at 8pm (but the 9pm allows for flexibility)
How much
2500 calories per day
3 litres of water per day
General guidelines
Lunch less heavy on starches, more starches at dinner
Lunch/Dinner Plate: 1/4 protein, 1/4 carbs, 1/2 veggies (3 colors)
Carbs and Fat are good, as long as they have low added sugar (carbs) and low levels saturate (fat)
5 pieces of vegetable
Focus on omega 3


Daily eating definition

2500 calories per day
Starchy carbohydrates help sleep
which foods remove energy (eg. at lunch) - less carbs
lunch protein and vegetables, less starches\ as those make you sleep
Build your own recipe
1/4 protein, 1/4 carbs, 1/2 veggies

Pantry list

When and how to restock:
Every 15th of the month go over the pantry list and check which items are below the minimum stock
Create shopping list and buy each item in the list based
Criteria for how much and when to stock
Minimum stock to trigger restock: should last for at least a month
Value to restock/buy: 2 months of the ingredient
To be considered a staple it needs to meet two conditions:
Frequently used: needs to be something that you use at least every 2 weeks
Non-perishable: typical expiration date needs to be at least 3 months
Tomato 🍅
Frequently used: ✅
Non-perishable: ❌ (lasts less than 3 months)
Not part of pantry list
White rice 🍚
Frequently used: ✅
Non-perishable: ✅
Eligible for pantry list
Almonds 🥜
Frequently used: ✅
Non-perishable: ✅
Eligible for pantry list
Dried squid spaghetti 🍝
Frequently used: ❌ (only used occasionally, buy when necessary for specific dish)
Non-perishable: ✅
Eligible for pantry list
Frozen mcain wedge potatoes 🍟
Frequently used: ✅
Non-perishable: ✅
Eligible for pantry list

Meal planning

I built a to help me plan my meals every week



Drink 12 glasses (250ml) of water per day (3L per day)
Start by drinking two glasses in the beggining of the day (to rehydrate from morning)
Roughly one glass per hour from wake up time to 2 hours before sleep (8pm)

How much water do you need (about 20% comes from food):
11.5 cups (2.7 liters) a day for women
15.5 cups (3.7 liters) a day for men - about 3liters of water per day when you remove liquids from food
Additional 0.5 liters for each hour of exercise
Hydration period:
Wake up to 2 hours before sleep
Aim for clear urine

Electrolytes recipes:

Grapefruit Twist
1/2 cup fresh orange juice
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
4 drops (or 1/4 cup grapefruit juice)
2 cups water (filtered or raw coconut water)
2 tbsp
1/8 tsp
Limon Limeade
1/4 cup lime juice
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
2 cups water (filtered or raw coconut water)
2 tbsp
1/8 tsp


Fasting (eating period)

keep it to a 10 hour period, between 10 am and 8 pm
eating only after 1 hour after wake up, 2-3 hours before go to sleep
8 or 10 hour windows are ideal - later in the day is better, keep it a bit shorter so you have some wiggling room
Exception is raising muscles it helps get protein early of the day
Important that the window is regular - always same hours
Light movement to increase speed of fed to unfed state - take a light walk after out of hour s meal - blood glucose monitor


-cut carrots and celery and put in fridge with water tight container
-add seeds to peanut butter to oo
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