Professional Services Client Hub Template
Getting Started in Coda

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Doc Sharing Settings

What are the default sharing settings for any new doc created?

Generally, docs are created in one of three places and it depends on where the doc is created:
"My Docs": Any document created in “My docs” in the left navigation of your home page is private (no link sharing turned on and not shared with others at the org) unless you explicitly invited other users to the doc.
We recommend creating docs in your “My docs” section and then moving them to a shared folder.
Shared Folders: Docs created in shared folders are accessible by default to members of the shared folder. Since anyone can join a shared folder, this essentially means docs created in public folders will be accessible to anyone else in the workspace.
Anyone at our company will be able to view, join, and access public/shared folders. Users can also create private folders, where members can still see all docs in that folder, but they must be explicitly invited to the folder.
Private Folders: Docs created in private folders are accessible by default to members of the private folder. Anyone else invited to that doc directly (via the "invite" dialog) or who has the link shared with them will have access to that doc, but not to the private folder.

Can I share a specific sub page of a doc with people?

It's not currently possible to share subpages only, but this is a really common feature request so definitely something on the Coda product team's radar!
Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.