How to get the most out of this product YouTube & Twitter “audits” Add “follow up” scripts for camp invites
How am I getting more traffic & leads TODAY?
Change insta bio to one link to call book 1 conversion focused blog post
No value posts. Insight posts only.
Insight is two things:
Where to look to solve a problem or find success Insight makes people want to buy your stuff because you illuminated the gap between them and what they want.
Help them understand why they’re struggling.
Ways to create content around “why” —
Why someone feels a certain way about something Why one thing affects another thing
What are the primary things they “fight” their kids on?
Have to send emails (kid is lazy) Have to send emails (kid thinks it’s weird) Other kids are getting scholarships, but your kid is not Reaching out to schools they are NOT excited about Benefit of schools below your skill level Coaches use email (not just social media) Kid is timid at showcases and recruiting events Kid is nervous for phone calls Should you wait for your dream school to offer? What are the primary things they complain about with other parents?
Coach doesn’t seem to care Traveling to all these tournaments but there don’t seem to be college coaches there Going to the lessons, the tournaments, the seminars...but still have no interest.