Physically Based Auto Depth of Field

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The amount of Raycast used to find optimal focus point. ( is multiplier)
Accurate [RayPointMode]
Starting with 9 focus points and a weighted center point, this mode create a soft “stick” to objects so that you can overshoot their focus point and it still be in focus. This is the default shipped focus style in PBADOF since public release
Advanced Volume
A volume that: Triggers when nothing is found within the max distance follows the camera can be used to trigger Tags
Base Aperture
The lowest Aperture value that the Depth of Field will be set to on the Physical Camera
Components are “add-ons” for your GameObjects to give functionality to them. in the case of PBADOF their are a few components available that are available to initialise from the window menus
Default [Preset]
One of the Shipped Presets in PBADOF
This is for the Render PIpeline Debug mode. in optics the circle of confusion is used to determine the depth of field, the part of an image that is acceptably sharp. This is only available in HDRP
Extended Aperture
The highest Aperture value that the Depth of Field will be set to on the Physical Camera Extended Aperture isn’t used when in Simple [RayPointMode]
Focal Length
In mm, the distance between the focus and the optical center
Focus Points
(raycasts) are used to find the optimal focus. in Accurate [RayPointMode] min 9 are used at minimum and more are added using Accuracy slider. the central point is weighted and multi AF points can be used to obtain the final distance. in Simple [RayPointMode] 1 central on is used regardless
Field of View for the camera vertical axis in degrees in PBADOF FOV is controlled by Physical Camera which uses Focal Length
FOV multiplier
in Accurate [RayPointMode] the multiplier extends the focusable raycasts between 0-1 up to the edge of the camera frustum
The camera's frustum is a pyramid-shaped area that determines what is visible on screen. Anything inside the frustum will be rendered, while anything outside will not. It's an important tool for optimizing game performance.
Glass [Check Range]
In units, a distance range to scan for Glass [Tag]
Glass [Focus Correction]
In units, an offset to set the base focus distance when looking through glass
Glass [Raycast Limit]
The amount plus your initial collider cast to look through
Glass [Tag]
Allows a user to make a GameObject as Glass this allows the PBADOF to “see-through” the tagged object with different focus settings.
HD Camera
The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) adds extra properties and methods to Unity's standard Camera to control HDRP features
HIBIKI asset
A collection of Tools and Packs exclusive to Unity Asset Store and HIBIKI entertainment partners. HIBIKI asset use the same stylisation and non plural use as the company name and is denoted by the companies green colour
Layers are a tool that allows you to separate GameObjects in your scenes. You can use layers through the UI and with scripts to edit how GameObjects within your scene interact with each other.
The first enabled Camera component that is tagged "MainCamera" (Read Only).
Max Distance
In Simple [RayPointMode]& Accurate [RayPointMode] Max distance determines the max ray cast With Advanced Volume it triggers it’s override state
Override Volume
A system similar to the unity Volume Framework that contains different depth of field settings from Presets. these can add more dynamic and reusable control over auto focusing in widely different environments and scenarios
Physically Based Auto Depth of Field, and auto focus tool and part of the HIBIKI asset lineup
Physical Camera
This mode mainly relies on the Camera’s Physical Settings. This is the mode Required for PBADOF
Post Processing Quality Settings
Allows you to adjust the level of visual enhancements applied to your project’s graphics, such as bloom, motion blur, and depth of field, to optimize quality and performance.
Scriptable Objects that contain all the volume override settings in PBADOF. They can be loaded to be used into most asset Components
Raycast [Physics]
A way of determining whether or not a target was successfully hit. It’s done by projecting a ray into the scene, and returning a boolean value if anything is hit.
Render Pipeline Asset
A configuration file that defines the settings for a particular render pipeline, such as the High Definition Render Pipeline, allowing you to customize the rendering process and improve graphics quality in your game.
Rendering Debugger
A graphics debugger for SRPs One exists for each pipeline HDRP URP and they have inherently different modes for PBADOF only the HDRP debugger is of valid use.
Safe Standard [Preset]
One of the Shipped Presets in PBADOF
Save [Button]
At editor or run time the save button can save your settings to the selected Preset
Show Gizmos
Enables the display of the Raycast Gizmo from the Camera in Scene View.
Simple [RayPointMode]
A single ray cast from the centre of the camera, works within the Max Distance set
Transition Time
The amount of time (s) interpolated between 2 focus states.
Volume Framework
The Unity Volume framework is a feature in the Unity Engine that allows developers to create and control environmental settings such as lighting, fog, and atmospheric scattering. It is part of the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) package and provides a flexible and intuitive way to manipulate these settings. With the Unity Volume framework, developers can create custom volume profiles that can be easily applied to different areas of a scene, providing more control and versatility over the look and feel of their game or application.
The amount of Raycast used to find optimal focus point. ( is multiplier)

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