Fairfield Not For Profits

2350 - Grasmere on Park Adult Day Services

2350 Budget Requests
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Grasemere on Park Adult Day Program of Jewish Senior Services, with nearly 50 years of operation, is a key resource for adults with cognitive or physical diagnoses that require daily assistance. Our philosophy is to meet the individual medical needs of older residents within a socially stimulating environment. The program offers Fairfield residents different levels of nursing services, rehabilitative therapy, care management, therapeutic recreation, socialization, and interactive programs, while ensuring a successful experience for each participant and their families at an affordable price. As a medical model program, Grasmere on Park plays an important role in the health care system, providing clients with clinical supervision and assistance during daily programming.
Grasmere on Park has a long history of uniquely serving Fairfield residents and is the closest adult day program to the Town of Fairfield. While we treat all of our clients equally regardless of location or payment source, given that we are the most accessible adult day program serving the town of Fairfield, we do prioritize geographically with outreach and transportation to Fairfield community members. As a result of participation in the adult day program, more Fairfield residents are able to remain living in their own homes for longer periods of time and employed caregivers can continue to work.
We have remained open since July 2020 with free on-site COVID-19 testing for all of our clients, vaccines, and other precautions that we continue to implement to protect our members. Participation rates and daily attendance capacity have returned to pre-pandemic levels, demonstrating the importance of our program to individuals who attend. In a typical year, we serve roughly 100 clients, with approximately 30% coming from Fairfield. In this past year, we saw an increase with 35% from Fairfield. 90% have special needs related to Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia.
Our day programming also includes the Memory Workshop, an early memory loss program, which provides peer-to-peer support and educational programming for those adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment or early stage Dementia. It is located in its own room within the day center, and operates a hybrid model with online participants as well. We provide Zoom training for every member to enable them to participate even when they cannot attend in person. Participants are offered dementia education, personal goal-setting, group discussions, Yoga, Tai Chi, complimentary wellness checks and much more for on low all-inclusive price. Since opening, a majority of the participants have been Fairfield residents. The program is filling a previously unmet critical need in community dementia support.
Amount requested: $40,883
As a non-profit, Jewish Senior Services strives to make the program as accessible as possible to individuals and their caregivers in need of this skilled support. We are requesting $40,883 as we have returned to and exceeded pre-pandemic levels of demand with Fairfield resident requests. We arrive at the Fairfield request number each year by calculating the per member operation costs and Fairfield resident participation.
Calculation of Request
Program expenses are budgeted at $735,082. With 97 members, it’s on average an annual cost of $7,578 per member. 34 individuals attend from Fairfield, at a total expense of $257,658. Increasing our allocation last year by the percent increase 35% vs 30%, this year’s request is $40,833, approximately $1,201 ($40,833/34) per member investment from the town.
Question: Last year’s cost per client?
In fiscal year 2022, our request included an average cost to service a client is $8,036 per year. ($667,000/83 families). We had 25 Fairfield clients and asked for a subsidy of $1,400 per client. ($35,000/25)
With clients still returning after the acute stage of the pandemic, and relatively similar costs, the cost per client was higher. As a result, last year’s investment, despite fewer Fairfield clients than this year was slightly more expensive per person, but still in a relatively similar range. As census grows, we also will have to add staff members to meet appropriate nursing ratios. Transportation and food costs also incrementally increased.
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