The Greater Bridgeport Transit Authority (GBT) operates city bus service throughout Fairfield and the region providing essential access to jobs, school, and other important destinations benefiting both Fairfield residents and employers. Additionally, GBT provides demand response (dial-a-ride) service to Fairfield residents under both the Americans with Disabilities Act and the State of Connecticut Municipal Grant Program (MGP). This year GBT is requesting funding at the same level as previous fiscal years - $30,000.
GBT Services-GBT provides service to Bridgeport, Fairfield, Stratford and Trumbull with extended services to Derby, Milford, Monroe, Norwalk, Shelton and Westport. GBT operates a fleet of fifty-seven buses 365 days per year with a service span from approximately 4:30 am to 11:30 pm.
Fairfield Specific Fixed Route Services - In Fairfield, GBT operates: Route 10 with service to Black Rock Turnpike – approximately 80,000 boardings and alightings annually; Coastal Link with service between Milford and Norwalk via the Post Road which accounts for approximately 60,000 boardings and alightings annually; and GBT Route 7 with limited service to Commerce Drive, Metro Center, Downtown Fairfield and Carolton Hospital. These numbers are pre-COVID and it is noteworthy that in this post-pandemic period, fixed route ridership has returned to pre-pandemic levels.
GBT ADA Services for Riders with Disabilities - Specifically in Fairfield - Wherever GBT provides city bus service, it also provides door-to-door service for seniors and riders with disabilities who, because of their condition, cannot access the city buses. Through this program, GBT provides approximately 90,000 door-to-door trips each year of which approximately 11,000 are provided for Fairfield residents (pre-COVID). Today, GBT has approximately 200 Fairfield residents active in its database of eligible riders. In this post-pandemic period, GBT has struggled to recruit new qualified drivers for this service. During this period, on-time performance suffered. As a result, wages have been increased and signing bonuses added and staffing levels are beginning to return to normal. GBT is now planning for the expansion of services for seniors and riders with disabilities.
GBT Mobility for Senior Citizen Fairfield Residents - GBT provides special door-to-door services for residents of Fairfield who are senior citizens. Under this program (known as the Municipal Grant Program) and in cooperation with the Fairfield Senior Center, GBT has been providing mobility for a variety of purposes including medical appointments, shopping and special group trips. During FY 2020, GBT provided 1,500 door-to-door trips under this program. This service is exclusively for Fairfield residents and eligibility is determined by Senior Center staff.
Bus Shelter Investment – Since 2019, GBT has invested $55,137 in state and federal resources in shelters and pedestrian improvements in Town. GBT is presently working with the Town, on the design and installation of bus shelters on the Post Rd. and on Park Ave. It is planned for the Park Ave. at Geduldig Ave. location to come with significant pedestrian improvements, equating to an estimated $100,000 in investment.
GBT is grateful for Fairfield’s financial support and Fairfield residents directly benefit from the support. We thank the Town for its patients throughout the pandemic and hope you will consider GBT services a value to the Town as you consider this year’s requested budget.