Since 1972, the Connecticut Audubon Society (CAS), has been providing countless educational and recreational opportunities for Fairfield residents at our two facilities, the Birdcraft Museum (a National Historic Landmark) and the Center at Fairfield. Our Larsen Sanctuary on Burr Street offers 150 acres of freshwater wetlands and forests, with 7 miles of trails, two of which are handicapped accessible, they are open to the public free of charge.
This past year, navigating the pandemic has shown our organization just how much the residents of Fairfield need and want outdoor programming. And we have recently seen an increased demand for it. Now more than ever, it seems so important for kids to get outside and connect with nature. Our Science In Nature Program for schools, our community events and our after-school programs give children the opportunity to learn about nature up close, and develop a keen understanding and appreciation for it.
CAS is requesting a total of $75,000 to provide educational programs and community events for the residents of Fairfield, and for the renovation of only live birds of prey aviaries in the Town of Fairfield.
Our Science in Nature program was developed to engage Grade 1-5 students in age-appropriate science experiences. This year we are receiving numerous requests from teachers to run in-person outdoor programs at our Fairfield Nature Center. Our curriculum meets the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and is designed to close the science learning gap, which has widened as a result of the pandemic. We are requesting $16,500 of funding to continue to provide our program for the entire third grade (33 classes representing more than 600 students). Providing the program to all third grade classes was only possible this past year because CAS was able to supplement the Town’s funding with another grant that focuses primarily on Title 1 eligible funding schools. That funder has slightly reduced our funding award and has requested that we focus on schools in Bridgeport, which has always been the primary school district for this award in the past.
We have also seen an increase in demand for our time-tested community events including Enchanted Forest, Winter Wonderland and Egg Hunt. These have become outdoor experiences and traditions that many of our families look forward to year after year. We diligently try to keep our costs down by working with the National Charity League of Fairfield and the Keystone Club of Ludlowe High School, however we are reliant on many factors for us to successfully break even with these events. In order for us to be able to confidently plan and organize these events, and to keep them affordable for the community, we are requesting $6,000 to cover the direct costs associated with running these three annual events. These events draw 300-400 community members per event for a total impact of 900-1,200 participants annually.
Additionally, this year CAS offered a limited number of school break camps and after-school programs at no cost to Fairfield residents through town funding provided last year. However, demand exceeded the funding and we could not accommodate many families. CAS’s unique programming provides an outdoor nature experience not found anywhere else in town. We provide an opportunity for kids who share a love of nature to explore our many trails and participate in outdoor activities. These hands-on, outdoor programs provide valuable science enrichment that helps to close the science achievement gap for many students. We are requesting $7,500 to cover the costs of vacation camps and after-school programs. It is only through support from the Town of Fairfield that we can offer the programs at no charge for Fairfield residents. In total, our after school programs, our vacation camps and our community events reach over 1,500 children and adults annually.
CAS requests funds to upgrade and modernize the nine aviaries in the Town of Fairfield’s only live birds of prey compound which is located at the Center at Fairfield, 2325 Burr St, Fairfield, CT. The project goals are to enhance public access and safety while protecting non-releasable raptors, support student and public programming, and engage adults and children of all physical abilities equitably in conservation, nature exploration, and awareness of birds in Connecticut.
One of the most popular visitor stops at the Center at Fairfield is the Live Birds of Prey compound. The birds that reside in this compound serve as ambassadors during school and community programs. It provides life-long refuge to injured wild birds, acts as a refuge for migrating birds, and provides an important tool for educating Connecticut residents on the importance of preserving wildlife habitats. The project will cost $300,000. One time funding in the amount of $45,000 from the Town of Fairfield would return this important compound to a safe and thriving living preservation landmark.
When first created, the bird compound and sanctuary was considered state of the art. Each cage was designed with injured birds in mind and fit exactly to national bird rehabilitation standards. Today, this compound is aging with rotting wood and fallen fences. CAS seeks to restore this compound to modern rehabilitation standards and to provide enhanced viewing access for the public. This project will provide secure aviaries for our resident birds, safe entries for our volunteers, and enhanced viewing potential for the thousands of annual visitors. The aviaries are utilized during school programs provided to 6,000 children annually and during our popular summer camp, with 650 campers. The resident birds also participate in a popular bird education program held at Shepaug Dam in Southbury from December through March.