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SEO Keyword & Content Plan

Competitor Keyword Research


1. Go to your largest and most established competitor that closely overlaps your offering.

2. Copy their URL and then paste that URL with the below prompt into ChatGPT

As an SEO expert specializing in keyword research, your objective is to thoroughly analyze the content associated with the below website and create a list of the most relevant and valuable keywords. This task involves assessing the websites content, understanding their positioning, their industry and identifying the most valuable keywords - even if they are not represented on the site currently - drawn from your expertise in SEO and compliance with recent Google Quality guidelines and Google E-A-T rules.

Here is the URL: https://www.botanicalgrp.com/

Now - take the most relevant keyword and paste them into the below

SEO Keyword and Content Plan


This prompt is one of the best ones yet. Copy the below - paste it into ChatGPT and simply insert the best keyword.

As an experienced SEO expert specializing in keyword research, your primary goal is to develop a comprehensive and strategic content plan. This plan should be finely tuned to a target keyword, aligning with the latest Google Quality guidelines and E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) principles.
Your content plan needs to include the following detailed components:
Meta Title:
Craft a meta title of 60 to 75 characters incorporating the main keyword.
Focus on creating an attention-grabbing, CTR-boosting title that is relevant and engaging.
Avoid using quotation marks in the title.
Ensure the title reflects the content’s value proposition and aligns with user search intent.
Meta Description:
Develop a 175 to 200-character meta description, optimized for CTR.
The description should succinctly summarize the page content, including the primary keyword naturally.
Aim to entice readers to click through with compelling language, avoiding quotation marks.
Generate a list of FAQs relevant to the primary keyword.
Present these FAQs in an unordered list under the “FAQs” header.
Focus on addressing common queries that add immediate value to the reader.
Related Queries:
Identify and list related search queries connected to the primary keyword.
Present these in an unordered list under the “Related Queries” section.
Ensure these queries reflect potential user search behaviors and questions.
Long Tail Keywords:
List prime long-tail keywords that have potential for ranking, considering current gaps in quality content.
Present these in an unordered list under “Long Tail Keywords”.
Choose keywords based on recent Google Quality Guidelines and effective on-page SEO practices.
Collate the top 15 keywords related to the primary keyword.
Use a structured markdown table: first column for the keyword, second for its intent, and the third for the recommended frequency of use (as an integer).
Title this section as “Keywords”.
Create a list of 10 SEO entities that are relevant to the primary keyword.
Present these in an unordered list under the “Entities” header.
Focus on entities that enhance the content’s relevance and authority.

Throughout this plan, prioritize creating content that is immediately beneficial and easy to comprehend for the end reader. Your strategy should aim to attract clicks effectively and address the searcher’s intent with clarity and precision. Maintain a balance between creativity and adherence to the outlined guidelines and requirements.

Target Keyword: [Insert Specific Keyword Here]

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