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I am fascinated by visual patterns.
with ink on paper. Most occurred during classes in high school and college (thank you, patient teachers), and .
From ~2008 till 11/2014 I only did black & white. Since 11/2014 I began adding more colors (mainly red), letters/words, and abstractions. Drawn images offer a unique glimpse into the dynamics of perception, revealed through the trace of inky action. Though each pixel on the page can be intellectually understood to be binary, static, and flat — drawings are living kaleidoscopes: rhythmic, symbolic, and meaningful.
Local interactions (between and among adjacent pixels in a drawing) are much like local interactions between ants: no pairwise interaction can be understood, except in the context of the entire drawing (or colony, or ecosystem, as it were). I am also a contributing artist on the NFT art collection known as (drawing the art for cards
). This art collection was built and is the first collectible art show series on the Ethereum blockchain. This historic collection has been sold at auction houses such as Christie's & Sotheby's. ​In August 2018, Alexandra & I entitled: "Partner Pen Play in Parallel (PPPiP): A New PPPiParadigm for Relationship Improvement". The paper is about partner drawing, from the context of evolutionary neuroscience, improvisational aesthetics, relationship therapy, and the Free Energy Principle. Go to my

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