Content Manager Cheats

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Content Data Structures

The data management considerations
The content portions of this document are supported by a Star data base schema, where a single core table Items is “surrounded” by a bunch of smaller, look-up tables.
In addition, specific tables are implemented to solve the presentation complexity in the Display and Creative Workspaces ( and )
Workshop Cheats Content Data Model.jpg

Core Table: Items

This is the store for the items that are displayed on the Business Model Canvas overview in , as well as in the detail views in .
The columns are as follows:
The columns names are self-explanatory.
The table has interactive filter controls to facilitate data management.
The content is pretty obvious, except perhaps for those items with the version Suggested addition and Workshop addition. These are classifications used to support and manage the addition of items in , whilst preserving the quality of the original content.
Interactive Filter for Items by Version:
Interactive Filter for Items by Business Model:

Lookup Table: Versions

Any discussion of Business Models can quickly evolve to cover versions from different sources or serving different purposes. These Version are managed here.
The data set is extended to include Suggested addition and Workshop addition, allowing easy inclusion/ exclusion of these items from the workspaces.

Lookup Table: Business Models

Any discussion of Business Models can quickly evolve to discuss and compare different Business Models - usually describing different companies, but equally applicable to different strategies or different methods of addressing given market conditions. These are documented in this table, again with self-explanatory column naming.
Business Models

Lookup Table: Building Blocks

Osterwalder’s and Pigneur’s Business Model Canvas consists of nine building blocks, which are documented in this table.
The column names are self-explanatory.
Building Blocks

Lookup Table Commentaries

The source for the sample data () provides interesting comment on each of the Building Blocks for each of the Business Models. This is included here, with self explanatory column naming.
After some to-ing and fro-ing , it was decided to include the data and functionality relating to Text Placeholders in the Content Management section of the doc. Whilst the moderator may need to implement a new context (think company or branding) to support a specific workshop, it is the content manager who uses the placeholders and who - though the creation of new content - creates the need for new placeholders. A familiarity with the content is required to sensibly design placeholders, particularly if they are to flow well within a finished text.

✴️ Text Placeholders

The generic text in this doc uses placeholders for those items that make the story more relevant, such as company name, product and service names etc. In the tables below, you can add a new context along with the appropriate substitute texts. Driven by the control, the placeholder texts are updated throughout the document, to reflect the context chosen.
If new are added, an appropriate formula should be created and named, to facilitate usage within the document.
Placeholder Texts
Substitute Text
No results from filter

Currently available Named Formulas for use in Text

If you need to create a new placeholder formula, use these samples as a starting point. ​Note: named formulas will only be saved for future use, if they are included once in the document. It makes sense therefore to park them in this list and to ensure that they are not deleted.
Sub OurCo →
[  ]
Sub OurGroup →
[  ]
Sub OurProduct →
[  ]
Sub OurService →
[  ]
Sub OurDivision →
[  ]
Sub OurTeam →
[  ]
Sub OurKeyCustomer →
[  ]

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