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Data Structures

This document is supported by a Star data base schema, where a single core table is “surrounded” by a bunch of smaller, look-up tables.

Core Table: Items

This is the store for the items that are displayed on the Business Model Canvas overview in , as well as in the detail views in .
The columns are as follows [[how can we access the underlying document model to get this info?]]
The columns names are self-explanatory.
The voting functionality is displayed only for Items of Version Suggested addition, as it is only these that can be promoted to become accepted Workshop additions. [[The promotion functionality has been left for a later version]]
The table has an interactive filter control to facilitate data management.
Interactive Filter for Items by Version:

Lookup Table: Versions

The Unbundling discussion from the original text centres around the dissection of an original business model into its component parts. These parts are stored here as Versions. Used as a lookup in the Items table, they serve to filter the displays in line with the on-going workshop discussion.
The Version data set was extended to include Suggested addition and Workshop addition, allowing easy inclusion/ exclusion of these items from the workspaces.
The column Economics is merely descriptive text taken from the sample data.

Lookup Table: Business Models

The discussion of the Unbundling Pattern in the source is based on two business models. These are documented in this table, again with self-explanatory column naming.
Business Models

Lookup Table: Building Blocks

Osterwalder’s and Pigneur’s Business Model Canvas consists of nine building blocks, which are documented in this table.
The column names are self-explanatory.
The Created by and Timestamp columns were an earlier attempt to support a basic audit trail, which was not followed consistently through the project.
Building Block
Description of Building Block
Customer Segments
The Customer Segments Building Block defines the different groups of people or organisations an enterprise aims to reach and serve
Osterwalder, Business Model Generation, p. 20
26/06/2022, 00:00:00
Value Propositions
The Value Propositions Building Block describes the bundle of products and services that create value for a specific Customer Segment
Osterwalder, Business Model Generation, p. 22
26/06/2022, 00:00:00
The Channels Building Block describes how a company communicates with and reaches its Customer Segments to deliver a Value Proposition
Osterwalder, Business Model Generation, p. 26
26/06/2022, 00:00:00
Customer Relationships
The Customer Relationship Building Block describes the types of relationships a company establishes with specific Customer Segments
Osterwalder, Business Model Generation, p. 28
26/06/2022, 00:00:00
Revenue Streams
The Revenue Streams Building Block represents the cash a company generates from each Customer Segment (costs must be subtracted from revenues to create earnings)
Osterwalder, Business Model Generation, p. 30
26/06/2022, 00:00:00
Key Resources
The Key Resources Building Block describes the most important assets required to make a business model work
Osterwalder, Business Model Generation, p. 34
26/06/2022, 00:00:00
Key Activities
The Key Activities Building Block describes the most important things a company must do to make its business model work
Osterwalder, Business Model Generation, p. 36
26/06/2022, 00:00:00
Key Partnerships
The Key Partnerships Building Block describes the network of suppliers and partners that make the business model work
Osterwalder, Business Model Generation, p. 38
26/06/2022, 00:00:00
Cost Structure
The Cost Structure Building Block describes all costs incurred to operate a business model
Osterwalder, Business Model Generation, p. 40
26/06/2022, 00:00:00
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