Jira Pack guide
Below is an example of a table created in Coda using data synced from Jira. Head to the page to view the step by step instructions to create a similar table in your own Coda doc.
Sample Jira Issues table
Assignee from Jira
Summary - Text
Lightening - This is the title for my new Jira bug!
Lightening - This is the title for my new Jira bug!
This is the title for my new JIRA bug
This is the title for my new JIRA bug
This is the title for my new JIRA bug
This is the title for my new JIRA bug
Lightening - This is the title for my new JIRA bug
Lightening - This is the title for my new JIRA bug
Use of long pole to harness lightening is not scalable
Use of long pole to harness lightening is not scalable
Perform testing
Perform testing
Vehicle does not perform correctly if speed is not exactly 88 miles/hr
Vehicle does not perform correctly if speed is not exactly 88 miles/hr
Complete initial design
Complete initial design
Flux capacitor construction and design
Flux capacitor construction and design
Steal plutonium from the bad guys
Steal plutonium from the bad guys
Mall Meetup Roadmap Planning
Mall Meetup Roadmap Planning
1.21 Gigawatts Workstream
1.21 Gigawatts Workstream
Lightening - This is the title for my new Jira bug!
Lightening - This is the title for my new Jira bug!
This is the title for my new JIRA bug
This is the title for my new JIRA bug
There are no rows in this table

Get started on your own Coda doc with Jira by copying this doc!
Copy doc

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