Please copy this doc if you wish to review the formulas for each table column. Video walkthrough
Watch a short video to set up your first Jira table. Alternatively, you can follow the written instructions below.
Written instructions and screenshots
1. Add a new Jira Issues or Projects table: (2 ways to add a table)
There are 2 ways to add a table to your Coda Doc.
2. Sync your table:
Once you add a table to your doc, you will likely see a blank table like the below. Click on Choose what to sync. If you see the below options in the side menu, click connect an account.
Select the account you would like to connect (usually this is your company Jira domain).
Click finish installing.
Your table will now look like this. Click start sync.
While the table syncs, you will see the below message.
3. Hide unnecessary columns:
4. Optional: Create text copies of important attributes for easier reporting
Jira sends issue details to Coda in one large package of information. As you can see when you hover over one of the issues below, each issue references all information associated with it, including the issue status, assignee, URL, description, etc. This package of information can be problematic when you want to report on individual fields, such as status or assignee. One way to make your reporting easier to to create new columns for important fields that will be used in reporting. See a few examples below.
Convert important fields to plain text to make reporting easier
Concatenated Text Description
Convert important fields, continued
Assignee - Convert To Text
Start Date - Usable Date Format
Get started
Get started on your own Coda doc with Jira by copying this doc!