Test variant for Banking information page

Help me build a test on our existing application

Friendly disclaimer

This is a new thing!
I’m not sure if you can help us with 100% of this.
I think you can? but i don’t want to assume


We want to create an A/B test on the SwipeSimple Connect application, with the goal of increasing abandonment on the Banking Information page ​
This page doesn’t currently re-assure the user that we won’t mis-use their bank account info. This test sets out to address that!


I have a Figma file with the changes we want to make to the website
We’re going to use VWO to implement the test on the SSC Application
I’m testing this on a Staging version of the application (am able to edit in VWO)

here’s a visual explanation
CleanShot 2024-01-25 at 18.05.46@2x.png


Option 1: You provide the building blocks I need

In order to install on VWO, I need the CSS and HTML modifications. Can you help provide me with the snippets I need to add to the application in VWO?
I tried getting the code from a Figma plugin to paste into VWO, but I think I’m out of my depth a bit here

Option 2: You help me install in VWO

This might be slightly more complicated, as you’d need access to the SwipeSimple staging environment.
AND I’m not even sure if I can grant that.
AND i’m not sure you’re comfortable building us a test
BUT this would probably be the fastest method, since you know what you’re looking at more than I do.
SO let me know if you think I can pursue this path.


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