Acquisition landing page(s)

At your computer use case


We want to create a tweaked version of the 1st landing page you built for us, focusing less on Terminal and more on the Desktop/laptop computer use case.

Product difference

Here’s a good visual overview of our product line:
CleanShot 2023-08-28 at 14.15.47@2x.png
You can see how we already created landing pages for the mobile and Terminal use cases. Now, let’s create a page for the use case of using SwipeSimple at a computer.



All photography should use laptop and desktop computers. No tablets/iPads
It’s ok if the images aren’t sexy. Our customers are blue collar, use whatever computer is laying around type folks
feel free to supplement with your own stock images. We have lots of “just the screenshot” images in the folder that you can insert into a stock desktop computer
Professional photography (lifestyle and product) here:

Product info

Key features:
note this page also has a demo if you want to browse the product yourself.
Also make sure we call out the ability to save customer profiles (may be best to view the demo mode of the product for more about this feature. Launch the demo and click the Customers tab. We don’t have much marketing material of that feature

Use case

2 primary use cases for this product:
Back office, where someone bills their customer after a service is performed (eg someone fixes a house and sends an invoice after the effect
Front office, where someone collects payment in front of the customer using their computer, like at a vet office or doctor or lawyer


We should be careful in what price we are mentioning on this page. The “at your computer” rate would always be the higher 3.5% + 10 cents, because we don’t support any hardware in this use case.
CleanShot 2023-11-14 at 10.02.58@2x.png


same as the other pages, getting the person to submit form on page and then complete application.
Please see recent changes to the initial landing page you made for us here
Particularly the CTA section where we call out what to expect next; we’ll want to retain that for this page.
We also made the form a bit shorter.

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
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