Boon Employer Account Setup Guide - Lite Tier
Upload Jobs/Create Departments

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Upload Jobs


Boon can automatically import your jobs for customers at the Pro tier or higher!

There are two ways for Lite tier customers to add jobs to their Boon account.

1. Navigate to the in the Admin app

2. Select 'Import jobs'


3. Upload your .CSV import file

You can download and use the template file provided if you’d like, but it’s not required.
Screenshot by Dropbox Capture.png

4. Confirm field mapping

Boon proactively identifies potential matches to accelerate the process. Below you can see an example of job field mapping. The same process applies for opportunity field mapping.
Screenshot by Dropbox Capture.png

5. Confirm value mapping

Customers can map fields with predefined values to ensure data continuity.

Screenshot by Dropbox Capture.png

6. Import complete! 🎉

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