How to evaluate a startup

Notes based on

Initial chat - discovery call
Try not to cover too much of the product at this stage, because we can’t sell our service at the same time as exploring the product, it needs to be two separate steps, and it’s logical to get them sold on the concept first.
Specific questions to cover
What stage are you at?
Biggest challenges and priorities right now?
Where do accountants fit?
Where can we help? What do you know about us already?
Gone through any accelerators so far? What did you think and what did they take?
Any funding so far?

Then if they are keen to proceed, they need to do an evaluation form so that we can use that in our call with them

Evaluation call - product problem chat - to understand the problem they’re solving, pain points, competitive landscape, see the product and see how we might be able to add value
In advance of the eval call, go through the initial discovery form submission, and then also the eval form too, and that can create some ideas for questions to use in the call.
Can we use the to score the startup?

Objectives and timeline - what are they trying to achieve, and how can we help them to do it?

The above leads to an initial proposal (rough pricing, but no commitment yet). This is a templated email which is then adapted based on the feedback from the call e.g. including/focusing on problem validation etc.
If they accept, we then present their startup to the accountants. Once we have (positive) feedback from the accountants, they then pay, and we can get started with actually delivering the program.

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