
Gavin 445


Problems with the product
Chasing grants to extend runway


Call with Toby etc as way

Bubble front end, node.js layer, then xano as the database

31-5-24 Another call with Toby and Gavin so that Toby can pitch Gavin with his plan of action

Toby, focused mostly on the front end when doing the QA to get an idea of how it works as a product in general

Gavin’s thoughts on slide 1 -
how do we test the soil
bonus payments for hitting timelines
How available are you?
He asks questions which just feel so reasonable compared to Robert

The scoping approach is a great way for every to test if they like working together
Gavin questions slide 2
does it involve working with Taras? could he be involved in the transition process?
Whats the mechanics of going ahead with the scope?

Sam’s comments
risk mitigation with Taras
Approach is to treat BM as an external audit which is examining what it would take to bring the backend outside of Bubble in a hybrid solution. Since this is a skill that Taras doesn’t have, it is justifiable, and it protects a scenario where BM does the audit/scope and realises that it would be 100K and therefore 445 doesn’t want to go ahead with the full build

Gavin is keen to go ahead
Toby needs to check if it can start next week or the week after. He asked for

4-6-24 Kick off call with Toby

Purpose of call is to understand what the app is supposed to be doing right now and what it will be doing in the future
purpose of the app - all data is in xero, they take it out adjust it in google sheets, and then put it back into Xero via journals.
which line items are in scope? pre-paid expenses, accruals, and deferred income
why these? common and relatively easy

Need users stories to really understand workflows fully, aware there are lots of edge cases that need to be dealt with
Need a xero account to be able to test it

they ask good questions e.g. why are you able to start the process when the data isn’t yet synced for example. It shouldn’t let you is just one example.

No pro code lay is required, basic calculations from what he’s seen
But, need to ask if there is more complexity later. Basically conclusion on that is focus is to get smallest version working as possible, so if we can go live with existing scope, then that is priority. Gavin is concerned about the weaknesses the system shows, but Ronald and Toby explained that it’s not necessarily due to Bubble and Xano, but they’ll need to check.

13-6-24 Toby and Gavin post scope

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