
Gig Bridge - Gabriel

Discovery call

launched three years ago
started as a company to help find and hire skilled professionals for construction industry
realised the bigger problem was that they struggle to reconcile costs. They were producing a substantial amount of revenue from their previous setup, which was more of a marketplace, but the tech wasn’t adding any value, so they wanted to pivot.

Why product market fit? huge time save for them, 10-20 mins as opposed to a few hours. Small errors can be massive issues for these businesses.
How is marketing going right now? launched in march, 5 customers, all word of mouth, all calls lead to further interest
Biggest challenge right now is fundraising - trying to match a grant they’ve been given with funding. second is what channel do we prioritise, how do we target accountants, how do we speak to them

then moving onto our explanation.
Start with what do you know already, so that we can frame whether or not to talk about specific things or not.
he asked - how many of the companies we’ve worked with were successful. Gave example of RQ, and also some that shut down because of us.
why are 6 accountants representative? They can basically be considered to represent 10 each as they are

12-6-24 - Evaluation call

expected to close their funding round in the next 1-2 months, then this would be one of the first things theyd do afte3r the funding
starts with asking to undetsand the pain point that they are solving

then competitors and gap in the market - why havent competitors solved this yet?

Why now? What has changed?

Is construction behind in tech?

general q for upjam
when do you allow your personal exp to be involved
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