

Sales call

where is the business right now?

Product market fit? Yes - we have tested our product and it’s working with clients successfully
thinks the product works with any products same shit different market

Is this your priority to access UK? Why? Yes and size of market
biggest challenges right now? Getting access to decision makers to be able to educate them how how they could improve their processes.
new laws around emailing people apparently.

Yohan’s explanation

Start with explaining EAH, network of 80 accountants, they are influential in the market, don’t liek to be sold to, if you get them on board word of mouth is very useful in this industry, so it can be very beneficial long term.
Then to the miro board, going through the program, starting with the free evaluation process. then going over the paid program explanation.
Then going over pricing.

Note should we update the miro board to say that the initial part is free?
Is there a way to make it seem more modular to make it clearer what the upgrades look like?
I guess the main question is - do we allow a company to work with us as basically a lead generation and sales funnel tool?
Don’t forget to:
Share the Miro board with them.
Links to companies in this same space

Their questions:
what does onboarding mean to you? What companies have you worked with in this space?

DAS sign up as ICEAW

Evaluation call

Key thing they do for clients is save time
5-10 unbillable hours to get all the info from clients to get them onboarded
Make sure custom,ers are compliant
cut costs in terms of reducing unbillable hours
Improve user experience by making it a more professional experience


Customising ability because they use low code and no code so that they can easily customise the final 20% of their product to make it really easy to do. Because they’ve built it in a modular way, they can just build new modules on top of it. Built with React.
Disadvantages - flexibility of building this way, makes it hard to interconnect everything in a modular way

New wave of customers wanting this whereas it wasn’t as important to have this approach digitised before.
Focus right now is only accountants
They work with banks and other heavily regulated area, which shows that we are able to handle complexities.

Focus on integrations - where are you with this? Their approach is that they’ll do it when clients request it.

How do you work along side the other parts that already exist that they might be working with already e.g. like a kyc tool. They are lego blocks by design, meaning they can put the other blocks in place around the existing solution the client is using.

They were asking about the ecosystem, similar to me, about XPM and client engager etc e.g. practice management vs bookkeeping

Product demo

Building blocks which the client can integrate themselves with drag and drop blocks. Very easy to use and makes it really easy to make it be customisable for them.

Sales process

They do a sales call and ask them to onboard uniify as a client so they can see the flow, and then they create the flow for them.

General notes

This is really helpful to them - they have a higher cost up front because of the way they build longtail, so having this feedback in the process is super useful.

— Question for Yohan from me - What is practice management? —

Notes on tax torch
2 years
last payment was May last year
3rd developer
Solves a real need, accountants want to use it, but can’t keep going back to them with an MVP that doesn’t work, they’ll lose interest.

Call to review the responses from accountants about the startups

Starting by reviewing the response number, calibre and profile
Decent response number
Bigger firms are more likely to put their hand up, because they like to see what's going on - they’re an easier sell.
Sharing screen to show list of attendees asking if they know any of them. on that sheet, Yohan's got what percentage of cloud adopters they are. And also shows size of the firm too and the industries they cover
So then we discuss whether they want to keep all of the people from the list in the cohort (because they pay per person), so when there are some duplicates e.g. two people from the same firm (which is rare, because he used to not allow more than 1 person per firm), or if they are the accountant that introduced them.
asking for their feedback on the list. they’re happy with the list because it’s almost entirely new people that they haven’t spoken with. With the one that introduced them to the list, Eriona, they are already quite far in the process with them, so they're going to ask her herself if she wants to be involved via EAH or if they carry on the conversations directly

Then we revisit the goals and objectives for the engagement to make sure everything is still outlined correctly

Then we visit pricing
My comments, as price sensitive, I’m not clear how to reduce the price, like how it’s broken into blocks so that I can understand how to cut it down, like what costs what?
Their questions - we moderate the group sessions, but the 1-2-1s it’s optional to have us moderating (for an extra fee).
In terms of the flow/process, Yohan recommends them going through it as quick as possible, because people will forget very quickly what the product and the conversation in the group session was.
Asked them who leads the process, but mandatory that all people join the prep so that they’re clued in and ready to join the process later.
My comment, on the additional support pricing, it's not clear what the different tiers are
Then going through the plan of action, timeline checking and scheduling etc
Milo getting married week of the 17th June. He’s booked off 14th, and then from the 19th-21st.

Kick off call

Going through the explanation of how to do the sessions
then putting together the questions
using key objectives, which are ascertained before this call - WHEN?
first question can be to clarify terminology, to make sure that the phrasing they use, e.g. onboarding, is the correct term
then asking what their current process is
then understanding what the pain and problems with that process, then digging into why it’s a problem, how big is the impact in different areas
key areas that they want to cover -

My notes
How do you stop someone from dominating? and how do you cut some one off?

12-6-24 - Workshop Session 1 - Ryan, Lee and Ellie

Moderating -
Ellie - mid size firm, bookkeeping to audit and sales. onboarding is still manual, kyc is outsourced, but end to end is still manual
Lee - small practice, dealing with sme, 250K-10mil turnover, bookkeeping and compliance work, 10 staff. takes on a lot of the on boarding himself and so feels all of the painpoints himself
Ryan - mid tier firm, 1,200 employees, runs transformation dept, previous exp at small and large firms,

what does onboarding mean to you?
Everything from first conversation to everything else to get to the point of being able to deliver service. Need to be able to fast track users if they’ve already been in one dept into another e.g. personal tax return into private
Getting client up to speed on how we work as well as getting all of their stuff. small firm
There are no rows in this table
ryan and ellie completely manual
lee uses centre and go proposal

500-1500 to onboard
couple of weeks

4 weeks

Key takeaways - there is a massive pain point here, it’s often solved with super manual processes which are incredibly expensive - £1K!
Key thing for me is why haven’t they solved this so far? Their response is that it’s such a big thing to take on and, with the larger firms, it requires buy in from so many different departments,

13-6-24 - Workshop 2 - James, Neil, John

Key learnings are similar to previous one - lots of spread out and manual processes with no clear and easily referenceable source of truth.
My main concern at this point is, with so many people and processes and pieces involved, to get this integrated into larger firms is going to be extremely difficult and, if the price point is similar, why bother? I guess if they have some scaling pricing it makes sense.

Feedback for next time - would it be useful to ask them to give a specific walkthrough of a clients journey through onboarding?
Learning for me - remember, you will have another chance to chat with these people, it’s not all or nothing.

17-6-24 - Workshop 3 - Andrew, Adam, Lara, Sam

Issue they’re getting is that most clients dont do very many onboarding per year, so they dont think it’s relevant, but they have lots of ongoing stuff that could use Uniify
Single sopurce of truth comes up frequently

very similar to the previous conversation

26-6-24 - Mid point review

Single source of truth comes up frequently - want to be able to know exactly where the client is when the client asks.
Pain is felt when it’s felt, but then potentially forgotten until next time.
Huge expense!
Uniify insights:
AML is more of a check mark,

when they talk onboarding, they only talk about new clients
Milo is concerned that they dont currently have all of the blocks already made to thread it all together

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