Text Colors
Colors available: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink, Grey
Highlight Colors
Colors available: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink, Grey
Background colors
This will turn into a highlight color instead of a background color.
Comments are not exported in HTML. After importing, you can add new comments in Coda.
This will turn into a code block in Coda. And it will keep any emoji 🎉
Mention a Page
Depending on the information hierarchy in Notion, and the selection that you import, some page links may be lost. For example, if you export a page that references some other subpage not in your export, the link will not be imported to Coda.
Most dates/date-times are rendered correctly as date/date-time pickers in Coda. Some formatting may be lost for durations or time zones.
The date will be imported, but the action of sending a reminder will not carry over to Coda. You can achieve reminders using , and with Coda Packs for and .